I made a free web app, Went Hiking, to keep track of hiking stats for people that tend to do frequent short trips. I'm really interested in your feedback and feature requests that would make you want to use it.
I'm a bit of a weekend warrior, finding every opportunity between my day job as a web designer to go outside and run amuck. I don't have the good fortune and opportunity to do some of the long hikes others get to. Last year, I started keeping track of my trips to see what my cumulative statistics were, mostly for fun.
Last week, I up and decided to build a website for myself to do it better than my spreadsheet can. I then posted it to my local hiking forum, Portland Hikers to see if anyone else had interest in the tool. I've since made a few revisions based on their feedback, and while it's still not nearly feature complete, it is now a reliable tool for the simple logging of trips and is hopefully ready to be shared.
Please use it and tell me if you like it, and what would need to change to make it a useful tool for you.
Kyle Meyer