
My CDT 2010 Photos

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Home Forums Campfire Photo Gallery My CDT 2010 Photos

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    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA


    I hiked the CDT this year. I put 800 of the better photos on facebook, here are links.

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    John West


    Locale: Borah Gear

    Thats awesome. I hope to someday do the same. How often did you resupply? Also, do you happen to have your gear list?

    Nico .
    BPL Member


    Locale: Los Padres National Forest

    There's a lot of great photos in there. There were a whole bunch of times that I was wanting to know the story behind some of those photos.

    Looking forward to reading a trip report some day if you decide to take on the task. With all that distance and all those photos, I bet it's gonna be an epic to write but a great record for your memories.

    I'd never really given any thought to the CDT but those photos are making me think twice.

    Really awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    Thanks for sharing your amazing adventure with all of us.

    +1 on wanting to get a trip report out of you….or if you could put more captions under each photo to simply give more context and to tell your story.

    Really enjoyed looking at them to give a bit of calm/peace on what is a crazzzzy day!


    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    Thanks for the comments ya'll! I wrote a journal as the trip was happening. Sadly, it was on my blog, which is down for the count. When I have time it'll go back up. Captions would indeed be nice… I hope to find the time. Going backpacking for the next 11 days… That's the priority!

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Congrats on your epic journey—I really enjoyed the pictures!!! Where are you going backpacking for 11 days? Just curious..

    Travis Leanna
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    Freakin' awesome. I just have to do a long distance trail like this before I die. Luckily, I'm only 29. Nice pics Jack, and congrats on finishing!

    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    Heading into miscellaneous blm land in southern nevada.

    Scott Truong


    Locale: Vancouver, BC

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    Trevor Wilson
    BPL Member


    Locale: ATL -- Zurich -- SF Bay Area

    Jack, those are awesome pictures! I could look through those all day. Your photos + fantasy football playoffs = very unproductive day at work. Thanks for sharing.

    Andy Schill


    Thanks for sharing, those were great pictures. I'm jealous.

    Paul Gibson


    Locale: SW Idaho

    Great pictures Jack, I really enjoyed looking though them. I hope to get out there on a long journey one of these days. Thanks for sharing yours.

    Michael L
    BPL Member


    Locale: NoCo

    Nice collection of photos Jack. Looks like you had a great time.

    Kristin doesn't always looked thrilled that you are taking her picture!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Andrew Wolff


    Locale: Chattanooga

    Thanks for posting these. I think its the first time I have looked at a complete CDT photo-stream, a lot of realy nice pics and a lot more flatland than I was maybe expecting on seeing. Makes me wish I was there, although I was just a month or two behind you in the Winds. What kind of daily milages would you say you were averaging?

    Buck Nelson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Alaska

    Very nice photos! I'm sure you guys had fun. I see Joker in some of your photos. Do you know if he finished, and if so, when?

    There are a lot of relatively flat stretches on the CDT, but I think the photo-taking is somewhat skewed because people are less likely to take photos when they are out of breath!

    Brandon Sanchez


    Locale: San Gabriel Mtns

    Jack, is your site down or is my browser effing up?

    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    Brandon, my site is down. And it should be up this week sometime. Sadly, I've lost almost all of my content.

    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    We averaged about 25 mpd. Joker didn't finish. He got off the trail in Salida, CO.

    Buck Nelson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Alaska

    You've likely checked the cached pages on Google for your site content? In similar disasters I have salvaged web pages using those caches, the "" and files on my computer.

    Was that first photo on this thread taken between Togwotee Pass and Yellowstone?



    Locale: The Cascades

    Jack, thanks for sharing the photos. They really look great! I saw all 6 pages of them, so I assume your site is okay?


    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    I was able to retrieve some posts before google stopped caching my downed site. Waybackmachine had a little, but not much. I think that's it.

    Anyways, it's back up online. The only things that I've been able to salvage, were really my most important. My journals from the PCT and CDT are up. About 100 more posts are lost for ever I think.

    Visit my hiking blog at

    The first photo in this thread was taken just north of the Middle Fork of the Gila River in New Mexico.



    My wife and I have been going thru the photos for the last several nights. We just finished page 4. They tell quite a story. There is a quiet loneliness in the late afternoon photos. The change in your appearance is quite dramatic and we haven't even left Colorado yet. Kristin looks the same as she did when you kicked off. I believe this fits the definition of an odyssey. Have you thought about publishing a book? Your blog hints at a bestseller if you would.

    Thanks! You have provided us with several wonderful hours of viewing pleasure.

    Jack H.


    Locale: Sacramento, CA

    John, thanks kindly for the flattery. I'd love to write a book. In the mean time, I'm happy that you've enjoyed the photos. It was a superb trip. If you or your wife have any questions about any of them, just ask.

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