First post on BackpackingLight! My buddy and I are looking for ideas for a 4-5 day backpacking jaunt in any of the national wilderness areas north of Yosemite (Emigrant, Hoover, Mokelumne, Desolation, etc). I hiked the SHR last summer so am very familiar with the high Sierra but not so much with the lands north of Yosemite (though I have done 5 days in Carson Iceberg). We are looking for semi-remote areas where it’s possible to do a little good fishing, bag a peak or at least get some views (I recognize they won’t be as high as the 14’ers to the south), and enjoy some great scenery. Extensive trails not necessary. At the very end of the SHR last year, I was impressed by Hoover wilderness. It can pack a serious punch. Ideas? Thanks