
Hammocks and dogs

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    Steven Adeff
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston

    I asked this in the gear deals thread under the hennessey hammocks posting, but figured I might get a better response here.

    What do those of you that hike with dogs and sleep in hammocks do with your dog?

    Mine is 60lbs and too big to sleep in the hammock with me. I'm figuring the rain tarp would be enough to cover him lying on the floor and I could bring a small tarp or similar. But I wanted to see what others already do.


    Mary D
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gateway to Columbia River Gorge

    That's why I don't use a hammock. I consider my dog (all 80 lbs. of him) as part of my sleep system–he keeps my feet warm!

    One of my friends hammocks with his dog; the dog sleeps on a CCF pad directly under his owner. Unfortunately that doesn't keep the bugs off the dog. Recently, within the last couple of months, someone here had a pic of a dog netting tent he made to keep his dog bug-free under his hammock. I couldn't find it on a search, though.

    EDIT, later: I found it! It's on this thread about dog beds:

    Page down to the post by Steve Madsen. Very clever design, IMHO!

    Steven Adeff
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston

    my dog doesn't seem to mind the bugs, so he may not need a net, I'm just more worried about rain/snow fall.

    I'm also thinking when we go just the two of us I can have him take my sleeping pad to sleep on since I'll be in the hammock.

    Paul Gibson


    Locale: SW Idaho

    Steve, lots of folks hang with there dogs. Most just get them set up with a small pad to lay on next to or below their hammock under the same tarp. There is at least one guy that I know of that has set up a small hammock that hangs next to his for his dog to sleep in. And kind of on that line, I saw a thread last week by some folks that made a small hammock for their cat to nap in. :)

    Matthew Perry
    BPL Member


    Locale: Hammock-NOT Tarptent!

    Dog Hammocking

    I just use my poncho for my dog to sleep on when i hammock. It does triple duty as a poncho, ground cloth and emergency tarp if needed. It's nice to have a clean spot under my hammock for him and my stuff. A cut down foam pad and custom synthetic quilt for him and he's good to go all night…right below me. In winter i have a much larger tarp with more coverage. YMMV.

    Best Friends


    john Tier


    Locale: Co-Owner Jacks 'R' Better, LLC, VA

    Dogs under 35-40 lbs easily go in the foot end of the JRB BMBH… Since it is truly flat the stay there and not slide into you all night… Smee uses a sniveller style quilt on top and Bonnie, his springer spaniel, puts her head out the head hole…

    Only issue is the days the dog is wet… Carry a towel?


    Steven Adeff
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston

    Matt, thanks for the pics!

    I've got a small pad for him to sleep on, now I just need to teach him how to sleep in a quilt/blanket setup to keep warm…

    Mine's too big @ 60lbs to sleep in the hammock with me.

    Stephen Barber
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Any concern or problem with the dog's claws and the light nylon fabric of the hammock under pressure?

    Tim Marshall
    BPL Member


    Locale: Minnesota

    is that the big red bigfoot quilt rigged as an UQ? That was one of the first quilts i ever made specifically to sell. I'd say in the first 10 or even less.


    Matthew Perry
    BPL Member


    Locale: Hammock-NOT Tarptent!

    "is that the big red bigfoot quilt rigged as an UQ? That was one of the first quilts i ever made specifically to sell. I'd say in the first 10 or even less.


    Sure is, Tim!
    The BIGFOOT Quilt–it's a hammock top quilt, hammock under quilt, two person ground quilt, one person ground quilt, signal flag…it does EVERYTHING! I am going to start producing this quilt design, along with my dog quilt design soon. I will be partnering with a small cottage gear maker (who is getting a VERY good rep here on BPL, by the way)to get them up for sale soon(please keep mum on my dog quilt design and why it's so unique). They have been extensively tested and are really performing awesome!


    Steven Adeff
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston

    if you need any more "beta" testers for that dog quilt I have a best friend that would love to try it out ;-)

    Matthew Perry
    BPL Member


    Locale: Hammock-NOT Tarptent!

    I would, Steven, but as of right now it's the only one of it's kind. Soon…very soon.


    Matthew Perry
    BPL Member


    Locale: Hammock-NOT Tarptent!

    Forgot to mention that the hammock in the pic is a Ticket To The Moon Double with a custom Warbonnet-style foot box. Super big and comfy and a very easy mod!


    Shawn Peyton
    BPL Member


    Locale: Iron River, WI

    Matthew, that's awesome you're backpacking in a Utilikilt.

    Steven Adeff
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston

    can't wait to use it, and I'll have to figure out how the pooch will sleep with me…

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