
Gu Energy Gels/ Carb Boom

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Home Forums General Forums Food, Hydration, and Nutrition Gu Energy Gels/ Carb Boom

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  • #1262174
    Ryan Degnim


    Any Experience with these products? Are they useful for backpacking (fitting into Bear Canisters, providing lasting energy. I have been considering these or a Carb Powder for 7 day JMT Segment hike for a source of carbs to fuel throughout the day. Any thoughts or prior experience using them is appreciated.

    Tom Holbrook
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Coast of California

    My 19 year old son just came back from Yosemite, and he and a friend used them before they hiked to the top of Half Dome, and had great things to say.

    He felt instant energy boost, after eating one of the packs.

    He didn't remember the brand or type, but it sounds like it worked.

    Not sure on lasting benefits, but it seemed like an immediate help.


    Ted E
    BPL Member


    Locale: Morrison, CO

    i normally start with something with a slightly higher amount of caffeine in the morning (like the powerbar tangerine), then use cliff shots throughout the day when im hiking fast (i like the strawberry and vanilla). the cliff shots seem to be more natural/better for you, but i don't like coffee flavored stuff, so i like the tangerine powerbar gel for first thing in the morning.

    i also carry one protein bar for each day im hiking as a end of the day recovery bar. i found that they help me from being sore if i push myself hard

    John Whynot


    Locale: Southeast Texas

    I like a Clif Shot Double Espresso or Mocha before a hard workout or hike. Seems to help with my energy level over the short term…

    Joel Waddell


    Locale: Lake Tahoe

    I'm a fan of Hammer Nutrition,
    B-fast- Hammer HEED plus a power granola bar and some dehydrated fruit.
    Lunch- Hammer Perpeteum plus some homemade jerky and cheese maybe a tort if I'm still hungry
    Snack- clif shot blocks or a honey packet
    Dinner- dehydrated potatos or soup a snickers and a Hammer Recoverite.

    They also make a Tissue Rejuvenator and an anti fatigue, both I use (two per day)

    Enjoy the hike!

    Zachary Zrull


    Locale: Great Lakes

    The body's preferred source of energy is sugar, and caffeine and B vitamins help a little. If you're going to make carb powder because you need a lot of energy, you can buy maltodextrin and sugar for much cheaper per unit than this GU.

    Caffeine is cheap if you can afford the time to make tea or coffee in the morning. Or, you can just supplement caffeine in pill form with No Doz.

    Cereals, nuts, or sundried tomatoes will take care of the vitamins they put in the GU, and then some.

    And personally, I think the "amino acid blend" is a gimmick.

    //edit: Just make sure to have enough water so your urine isn't cloudy! You probably sweat much more while hiking than when at home, and so you can't eat/act like you're at home either.

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