Yup, A friend of mine was hiking below here when he heard an odd noise in a tree. What he found was a very mangled guy that just fell out of that nest and was hardly alive. My friend gave me a very graphic description of what this looked like, but I will spare you the details. Others were already in rout to the scene. Mountain rescue hauled him out of the valley and medivac flew him away. Don't know if he lived or not. I was there that day but split off to hike another area. He told me the whole gory story when we met back up later in the evening. It was a good dose of reality about being carefull at Big Red.
Don't fall off the Gorge!
Two of my friends have fallen near Chimny Top. Luckily they were saved by rocks ledges at 10-15 feet. Both suffered broken bones. Hiking someone out with broken bones is not easy.
I am terribly affraid of heights which comes in handy at Red River Gorge.