
Shelf life of Repackaged Micropur

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) Shelf life of Repackaged Micropur

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    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    I want to avoid carrying all the Micropur packaging. My hikes range from 5-10 days. I want to remove the wrappers and put the tablets into a pill box the day before the trip. Is this a bad idea? Does the pill box need to be airtight or dark in color? How long will tablets last this way?

    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    Anyone have experience with this?

    BPL Member



    Not an expert — feel free to call Micropur and verify — but methinks you can pop the tablets out and keep them in the same tiny ziploc bag for 5-10 days without problems — so long as you keep the tablets absolutely dry and out of bright lights.

    OTOH, if I were you, I wouldn't do the above for two reasons:

    1. The packaging really is pretty darn light.

    2. Even with the bubble wrap protection, I've had the tablets crumbled quite a few times! Not a problem when they are in their own bubbles since it's still easy to pour the "powder" into my water bottle. But put them all together in one bag — once some or all of them crumble — you will have to guess the quantity — and be extra careful you don't handle the powder with wet fingers — or you ruin everything!

    More trouble than it's worth IMHO.

    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas


    Check out his link to a BPL article.

    Excerpt from the article:

    >> One alternative is to repackage the tablets into a small, foil-lined ziploc baggie (such as a MicroZip bag), but be forewarned: exposure of these tablets to oxygen greatly reduces their shelf life.<<

    You can also check this link:

    Excerpt from this link:

    >>Cautions? Don't buy more than you need for one season, and check the expiry date on the package when purchasing. The shelf-life of Micropur tablets is limited to two or three years. And don't remove tablets from the blister pack until you're actually ready to treat some water. Never repackage Micropur tablets, either. They lose potency fast when exposed to air.<<

    I hope these links help to answer your question.

    I don't repackage Micropur tablets. I prefer to leave them in their waterproof individual foil packs.

    Party On ! 2010


    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    Thanks guys. I think I'll stick to your advise and leave them in the wrapper. Good tip on making my hands are dry too! is that the same when handling the tablets, make sure I dont have wet hands?

    BPL Member


    When I am done scooping up water, my hands are wet. Wet fingers make tearing open the bubble wrap more difficult — though not impossible. Once torn open, I squeeze on the wrapper to push the tablet out into the water bottle. I don't touch the tablet at all — although a quick nudge isn't going to hurt anything.

    Sometimes, when the tablet has already crumbled inside its bubble wrap, then it's a matter of pouring the powder into the water bottle.

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