Welcome to – and enjoy – the new forum interface. Please be patient as we continue to develop this interface. We opted to develop a new solution from scratch rather than use existing forum software modules – some of which are extremely good from both a usability and visual standpoint. Over the long term, however, we want to make sure that every new function we bring to BPL.com is seamlessly integrated with the rest of the Website. The forums are an example – the current software gives us the ability to capitalize on editorial staff, Premium Member, and registered user priveleges to define forum priveleges. This would not have been possible with off the shelf software packages without a lot of code modification, and very extensive testing for code robustivitiness (ha – there’s a new word) to ensure that it did not negatively impact the code on the rest of our site. So, enjoy the simple interface for now, and look forward as we evolve our forums into a full-fledged and feature rich interface.