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  • #1255968
    Paul Wozniak


    Locale: Midwest

    EDIT Pics

    Just a few of many pics from a September 2009 trip to LaCloche Silhouette Trail, Killarney, Ontario. Just to whet the whistle. 6 days, 5 nights, 72km.
    storm sliding off to the north
    A storm passes to the north
    Clear night
    A perfect night

    down the trough
    Blue skies
    Weather perfect
    Winding down
    Winding down

    The trail is on my "return" list.

    Robert Blean
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Jose -- too far from Sierras

    I look at some of those pictures and think "Where is my canoe?".

    I have done traditional (heavyweight) canoeing in the past. I'd love to be able to re-do some of that in an ultra-light style and see how different that would be.

    — MV

    Joe Geib
    BPL Member


    Locale: Delaware & Lehigh Valleys

    Thanks for sharing. Its been a long winter for me, and I'm excited to see some greenery.

    Steven Evans
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canada

    I love the La Cloche Silhouette Trail! I head up that way all the time, it's my favorite park. We actually just got back last weekend from Silver Peak – gonna post a TR right now. :)

    Paul Wozniak


    Locale: Midwest

    If anyone can tell me why the photos didn't stack and why the captions disappeared I would appreciate it. Sam Haraldson posted instructions that I was able to find; thought I followed the instructions by including a carriage return after each pic.

    Bob, minutes after the campfire picture was taken we had a very lost, very tired canoer paddle up. His wife was steaming. Even his dog looked beat down.

    "excited to see some greenery"
    Joe – Exactly! I was going through the photos and chomping at the bit for a some greenery.

    Steven, thanks for the photo and vid link (I'll will be sure to check it our tonight. I need to re-think my winter avoidance. The peak looks sliiick. BTW, I typed in the wrong year for the trip – 2008. I believe you were on the trail the following week.

    Jennifer W
    BPL Member


    Locale: So. Cal.

    When you edit your post, you'll notice that the pics have a < followed by a > (inside the arrows will be where the pic is located on your computer)

    Just put you cursor in front of the < at the beginning of the "picture" and hit enter. This will stack the pics instead of placing them side by side.

    As for the captions, I haven't had any luck with the "description" showing up. I just type the caption above the "picture" (the <"picture"> )

    So your post should look like this:

    Lake at Sunset


    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    I think the "description" you enter when uploading photos to BPL is what is shown to people who do not load the photos, and is not actually shown if the photos load.

    Steven Evans
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canada

    Jennifer has it right. The "insert image at cursor" button is a bit misleading. It basically puts the picture directly after the last letter, that is before the cursor (read multiple times to understand)

    So, after you insert the image, you must go back and add your spaces (carriage returns).

    And, Cameron has it right aswell. If you right click on your pictures above, and select properties. You will see the description you entered which is only shown when the picture does not load. You have to manually put text before or after the image.

    Paul Wozniak


    Locale: Midwest

    Cameron, Jennifer and Steve,

    Thanks in advance of my actual testing. Of course, if this fails I will be back.df

    Paul Wozniak


    Locale: Midwest

    bear with me, that was me hurrying:
    going down

    Thanks for suffering through this. Think I have it this time.

    Steven Evans
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canada

    You can just edit your first post to add the spaces. The edit button is on the bottom left hand corner of each of your posts.

    Looks like a little pencil.

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