
Rainier light?

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Home Forums Off Piste Mountaineering & Alpinism Rainier light?

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  • #1588562
    Jeffs Eleven
    BPL Member


    Locale: NePo

    Thanks, Tom
    I guess I just get confused because these are mountain boots. Just mid cut ones. I figure that they would be the best of both worlds: some ankle protection, with some freedom of movement; stiff enough to use crampons, but not so stiff I won't be comfortable.

    I guess since they seem to be on the edge of appropriate for me, I should go ahead and get a full-on boot.

    Next time, XT Wings and Microspikes!! (JK)

    I mean- They say 'summer mountaineering boot'- I just don't get it

    Tad Englund
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    +1 great advice Tom

    Douglas Ray


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Jeff probably what the person you talked to meant about being in shape enough to use those boots on Ranier was an issue of warmth. To use single boots like that on Ranier without risking frostbite would require you to keep moving fairly fast at altitude in order to keep your core generating enough warm blood to warm your toes. There is a lot more than that to keeping your feet warm climbing but it is part of the issue.

    Those Vetta lites are designed for a different type of "summer mountaineering" entirely, climbs that require a lot of moving on steep rock where the low-profile sticky sole and rands, combined with the ankle flexibility, will be an advantage.

    Climbing Mt. Ranier is never really "summer" as compared to summer in the rest of the Cascades, it takes a winterish gear set up even in August. You will probably end up slowed down enough by altitude that your extremities will feel it, don't skimp on the boots and gloves.

    Jeffs Eleven
    BPL Member


    Locale: NePo

    Ahh. Thanks. That answer helped alot. I was confused, wondering what those boots WOULD be good for, if they were supposed to be for summer mtns, but not Rainier. Now I get it. Thanks to everybody.
    Hopefully this trip happens, it'll be one to remember.


    "Hopefully this trip happens, it'll be one to remember."

    Best of luck, Jeff. If it happens, it'll be one to remember, guaranteed. Let us know how it turns out, huh?

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