
changing my name?

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    Colleen Clemens


    Locale: dirtville, CA

    i REALLY don’t want to go into the plaintive details, but i choose not to use my REAL real name in “public” on the internet. i have tried searching the archives to find out how to change my screen name, but i am obviously blind. this wasn’t a problem until i finally got over what a cheapskate i am and subscribed to the site. help?

    oh, and does the red M mean “member” or “male?” because i’m only one of those things. ;)

    paul johnson


    Locale: LazyBoy in my Den - miss the forest

    I asked this same question a while back. IIRC, you need to log out and then log back in and create a new account.

    You could go to your “My Account” and select “Edit my billing and shipping addresses” and then change your name.

    I did this once (changed my name to my initials – not very creative on my part) and then forgot to change it back when I placed an order. I think BPL caught it because it had my initials on the package instead of my name – probably caused them to waste a label and forced them to print another one – i don’t know??? IIRC, they changed it back for me is all I can figure, or maybe my wife did (???) – she was for a very short time, like 2days or so, interested in what I was doing online.

    Don’t forget to change it back before ordering gear from BPL. Your mail carrier or post offic might give you a funny look when you go to pick up mail for “tarbubble” – plus can you furnish any I.D. with the “tarbubble” name on it to claim packages? [maybe you could???]

    Douglas Frick
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wyoming

    I’m also curious how to change my ‘screen name’ (i.e., “dfrick”, as in “tarbubble” or “pj” above).

    Colleen Clemens


    Locale: dirtville, CA

    thanks. this name is only vaguely decpetive, but it seems the best compromise. i’ve been meaning to phase out “emma eyeball” anyway, but i’m still very attached to that pseudonym.

    Dondo .
    BPL Member


    Locale: Colorado Rockies

    Thanks, Paul. I’m trying to keep my name consistent for the different forums I visit. This ought to do it.

    Addie Bedford
    BPL Member


    Locale: Montana

    This is Addie, the customer support queenie – the only way to change your username and maintain your order history is to write me in the customer support interface. The tricky thing is that both your username AND your full name appear on forum postings, if having your full name on our site is problematic for you.

    Also, the red ‘M’ denotes that you are a member…not a male. :)

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