
Trekking Poles

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    I'm looking for trekking poles for a purchase within the next year or so. My main interest is to have an alternative method to support a hammock, so I'd like them to be strong first and light as a bonus.

    This is a topic that I know nothing about, and even my inquisitive nature is overwhelmed by the number of brands, materials, options, and price ranges. I suppose what I need is a nudge in the right direction to get some that will have a good strength to weight ratio. Any recommendations on some middle-of-the-road and top-of-the-line models?

    -I'm sure someone will suggest the Hammock Forums, where I already lurk. I'm just not ready to jump into a whole new social group.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.
    James Naphas
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Black diamond poles tend to have the most dependable locking mechanisms and are strong. They come in a variety of weights/costs. For basic poles from komperdell or leki, it's worth looking on sierra trading post to see if you can pick some up when they run one of their 25-30% off deals.

    Mark Stalbird


    I use a hammock also but can't quite comprehend how you intend to support one with trekking poles,perhaps i need to research this.

    I do use my Leki's to hold my tarp high for easy entry.

    * *



    It certainly isn't my ideal solution to support the hammock, but I've seen some photos that use trekking poles to do it. Of course, now that I have started this thread I can only find one poor example, which isn't even suspended completely:

    Hammock and Trekking Poles

    I don't intend to use this method often, but I would like to extend the functionality of the hammock, and of course I'm looking for a reason to see what trekking poles are all about.

    Lori P
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Valley

    I wouldn't do that. It would be asking for ruined poles. The hammock you see "partially suspended" is being used as a bivy on the ground.

    I'd suggest that you go to and search for threads that explain the physics involved in hammocks, and for treeless hangs – you will see that while people do use poles, they are not trekking poles, and involve sinking anchors deep into the ground. The forces you exert on the hammock supports, whether they are poles or trees, are far greater than you think they are.



    Locale: The Cascades

    "I wouldn't do that. It would be asking for ruined poles. The hammock you see "partially suspended" is being used as a bivy on the ground."


    As Lori says, the forces are enormous. People use trekking poles with hammocks when they have to 'go to ground' so the trekking poles aren't used as supports, simply to spread the hammock out, so to speak.

    I've heard of folks who have pulled anchors out of walls by hanging a hammock from them.

    Lori P
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Valley

    There have been many, many experiments with treeless or one tree hangs… dude named pedro hung a simple hammock from ski poles. But ski poles are not trekking poles (no locks, twist or flickloc) and judging from the amount of tie outs it looks near impossible to do by yourself… and frankly, if you have any kind of weather, that looks like a very tenuous way to hang. I would sooner use the aluminum crutches or a bi- or tripod, and neither of those is particularly packable if you are trying to be UL.

    There are also lots of experiments with rocks (desert hangers in particular express interest in this) but rocks abrade rope or straps. Climbing gear gets mentioned a lot, but, heavy stuff.

    A whole thread discussing various attempts:

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