I don’t know what exactly they are using, but mesh of similar weight is available from Thruhiker. Look for ‘nonoseeum’ netting. They say it is 36% lighter than regular noseeum netting which is about 1 oz – and that gives about 0.65 oz. – not enough to make any difference at all. And this stuff is strong.
I agree on the silk. Thai silk has some really light stuff .. about 0.6 oz and half the price of nannoseeum netting. The silk is at least as strong as the netting.
Thanks Paul and thanks again Vick. That sounds worth looking for. Is there a more detailed description/name for the silk material? What other properties has it and what else might it be used for?
The old tailors’ joke comes to mind “never mind the quality – feel the width”. In this case “feel the weight”.
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