Just got back from my first major trip (Smokies) and was blessed to not get rained on during 11 days somehow. Thus, I didn't get a chance to see if I have any "bugs" in my packing system. Within the trash compactor bag inside my Pinnacle, I placed bag, pad, pillow pump, sleeping clothes & extra socks and my jacket. Outside and on top of the bag went the tent, then the cook kit inside the cozy and food bag and finally the rope (if I needed to hang the bag), sitpad and pack towel kind of along one side. Everything else went in the outer pocket, side mesh pockets or hip pockets.
I'm curious if anything else SHOULD go in the "dry" bag or if one of those 5 items doesn't belong for some reason. I've read many posts of removing or donning thermal layers like they are right within reach, but I'd have to take out my food bag, cook kit and tent to undo my "dry" bag to get to my jacket or replace it.
Also, do you actually tie the bag closed in some fashion? I just pushed all the air out, rolled down the top and tucked it against the side so it can't just come undone. Thus, if I really took a dunk in a creek and didn't save my pack in a short bit, it would likely get wet inside, but certainly not just from heavy rain.