
Group tent ?

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Home Forums Scouting Backpacking Light with Scouts Group tent ?

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    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Not my cup of tea but one Luxe sent me the specs of this one I immediately thought that it could be a good scouting tent.
    The fly is large enough to hold 6-10 kids as a group tent, it will sleep 4 inside the bugnet.
    What do you think ?
    Fly 1.85kg (65oz)
    Inner 1.15kg (40.5 oz)
    Note the easy set up, flame retardant fabric and rather beefy tie out points.
    and the set up video

    Luxe Twin Peak
    Video link

    YouTube video

    Rod Lawlor
    BPL Member


    Locale: Australia


    Did you verify those weights? If they're correct, and the price is okay, I'm very interested. At three kg for a four person tent with two full vestibules that is a superb family tent.

    The outer would also make a brilliant group shelter for all sorts of groups. If you/Luxe are interested in lending it out, I'm running a training trip for alpineSAR Victoria at Tawonga Huts in a couple of weeks. Three of the members coming are Outdoor Eders. I can see that these might be the market that they're looking at.

    Drop me a PM



    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Hi Rod
    I correspond quite often with the Luxe designer and have made some mods for some of their shelters so I have a few of them but not this one.
    One was offered to me just to play with but did not take that up because it is more or less as I visualised it (it evolved from the Mini Peak version…) and I would not use it anyway but I might change my mind.
    The published weights are usually pretty close to the average real weight, if I find out otherwise I will post that here , but it sounds right to me based on the weight of the Mini Peak.
    The optional groundfloor is about 500g.
    The Australian agents are (Wildside Design/
    If I remember correctly, the first production run is in July.
    (BTW, it's a hobby for me, I don't make anything out of this apart from getting some products to test and modify)

    Joe Clement
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    I think I'd rather see it with one vestibule, and the inner tent flush with the back (which could be another door). It's still kind of heavy as it is to stick with one kid. A little smaller, it would split up three ways nicely.

    Rod Lawlor
    BPL Member


    Locale: Australia

    No problem Franco,

    I thought you might have taken the pics yourself. The only concern I can see with the design is the size and orientation of the top vents. Hard to say if you haven't seen it in the flesh, but is there anyway to open up that top part of the door behind the beak a bit more? I'm thinking of the design on the old Minarets which had the top part of the door under the beak velcroed (?and zipped?) in, so it could be opened WIDE. I'm envisaging it getting pretty steamy in there with 8 adults, especially if they're brewing up.

    The weights look a little low compared to my Megamid and Megalight but not by a heck of a lot.

    It's hard to see any true four person, double wall, twin vestibule, curved pole design matching it though. (Provided you are carrying poles)

    Any idea on price?

    Rod Lawlor
    BPL Member


    Locale: Australia

    Joe, I think even for three, there are better/lighter options, but for four, to be prepared for proper rain, this looks pretty fine.

    I'm not sure that the set up in my avatar (Megalight, nest and tarp) would beat it much on weight. The tarp makes a nice airy porch, but it's less weather and wind proof. The dual vestibules look great if you're stuck in the tent for a day with a couple of restless kids and a restless partner. The A-frame nest also looks nicer than a pyramid

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    This shelter was not designed with boy scouts in mind, that was just something that popped into my mind when we were discussing this shelter, but I have no experience at all here except noticing the usually disproportionate amount of weight they carry.
    The set up video shows the size and position of the vents,
    so no the zip ends before the vent starts.
    For a family I think that not having a pole in the middle of the sleeping area is a big advantage particularly for meals and playing games on a rany day.
    I would guess that it will be around $300 AU.

    Adam Kilpatrick
    BPL Member


    Locale: South Australia

    Hi Franco

    this tent looks like what I am kinda looking for, for a big cycle touring trip I have coming up (starting November next year). Its just the two of us, but we will have recumbent trikes, and will be in the thing for over 9 months through a variety of climates-mostly 2-3 season (very little chance of snow really, if we are in those conditions we can find somewhere to stay).

    In particular, the "set with Minipeak inner"s looks ideal…was thinking of making something like this myself. With the two small tub floored inners, we don't have to sleep shoulder to shoulder for 9 months, and can use the mozzie nets in buildings, or under the stars (going through alot of Malaria areas). The design would also give alot of room for storing panniers, cooking under, even our trikes in the folded position (they fold in half) if we are worried about theft in the night. How much do those mini inners weigh? What sort of zipper doors do they have?

    My main concerns are:

    1. Colour. Any chance they will be made in a more stealth friendly colour? We will be trying to camp as much as possible, in many countries where there are lots of people. Green or grey would be alot better. This is definitely number one on the list.
    2. Cost…if this things over $5-600 don't worry about it. (We are students…so the budget is pretty limited)
    3. How can I try one out before I buy? Mainly, it would be good to just be able to pitch it, set up inside, see how our gear fits, etc. I'm in Radelaide.



    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Adam, first my connection with Luxe is that I exchange ideas on tent design/features ( and photography) with their designer but have nothing to do with them otherwise.
    That bright orange is the Luxe colour, they do produce models in green and red, but only one colour per model. (too expensive to do several versions). Grey is not an option for their internal market ( China)
    The retail price is up to the importer, I would expect it to be under $300 with the standard inner.
    The Minipeak inner is suitable if you are 175cm or under on a std mat. Will work up to around 180cm if you do not mind touching the mesh at (possibly) both ends. ( there is plenty of room between those inners and the fly, so not much of a chance for the inner to get wet)
    The Australian agent is listed on the web site.
    As for size, when I see a tent design that interest me, I pick up my spare poles, lots of string , a mat or two , a pile of stake and I go to my backyard and build my own replica.
    I have used nails, tomato stakes and masking tape in the past to this.
    All the measurements are on the web site.
    (BTW, that is why sometimes I comment on the size of tents that have yet to hit the market…)

    SPAM qin


    Tent spam this time. Deleted.

    My thanks to the three readers who all rapidly reported this.

    Roger Caffin
    Online Community Monitor
    Backpacking Light

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