
20x20d vs 20x50d SilPoly

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear 20x20d vs 20x50d SilPoly

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    I was wondering if anyone had experience with 20x20d vs 20x50d SilPoly in the making of a shelter. Initially, I was all about the 20x50d, but after giving it some thought, I’m now leaning towards the 20x20d. The main reason would be that the 20x20d would have a little more stretch, so in high winds, or other high loads, I feel like this would help distribute the stress a bit better, and reduce stress concentrations at fixation points. Also, Kyle at ripstopbytheroll said that the 20x50d has weaker waterproofness proeprties, as the transition from the thin (20d) to thicker (50d) threads can be a weak point in the coatings, where at cracks in the coating may eventually form. I was wondering if anyone had a good case for 20x50d, as it does seem that you’d get more tensile strength with an essentially negligible weight addition…


    Ryan K
    BPL Member


    For a shelter, I would go with one of the PU4000 coated fabrics from RBTR, either the 0.9 oz 15D silpoly/PU400 or the 1.1 oz 20Dx20D silpoly/PU4000.  I think the less stretch the better, but if you want stretch, then silnylon is a better choice over silpoly.



    thanks for the input

    BPL Member


    That is the opposite advice I would give. The PU4000 fabrics might be good for floors, but the heavy PU-coating weakens the fabric a lot (in tear strength). See page 2 of this thread:

    I think there will be little to no practical difference between 20Dx20D vs 20Dx50D

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    I don’t think you need to worry about the strength of the fabric. With Si coatings the fabric will be quite strong enough. The rest is in the quality of the  construction and the seams.

    Kyle is right about the problems with bigger threads. They do make bigger gaps between the threads and seriously reduce the HH rating. It’s a known problem with the larger threads and ripstop threads. My tear-strength testing showed that the thicker threads did not really help anyhow (for the silicone coating, NOT for the PU coating).





    thanks guys – went with 20x20d silpoly =D

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