
Pentax WPi pics

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Home Forums Off Piste Photography Pentax WPi pics

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  • #1217584
    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    My trekking camera.
    Water proof, light (140 g with batt/card- under 5oz) and very “pocketable” (smooth rounded shape)
    No viewfinder ( I get by) and Li-Ion batt. One batt will give you 130 to 200 shots, more without flash. An extra batt is 15g (1/2 oz)

    Image hosting by Photobucket

    Image hosting by Photobucket
    Image hosting by Photobucket

    Sorry about the double posting

    paul johnson


    Locale: LazyBoy in my Den - miss the forest

    Beautiful pics of beautiful wilderness. Methinks you have an artist’s eye.

    Ryan Faulkner


    thanks Franco, I was considering geting a WPi and these great photos have convinced me it is perfect. Or good enough :-)

    jacob thompson


    I agree beautiful pics. Where abouts in Oz are you Franco? I’m in the sydney but planning to do some hiking somewhere outside this area around the middle of the year. We should see if we can organise a hike.

    I’m really loving the quality of digital photos that we are able to get these days and for just miniscule weight. I have just noticed yesterday that they have brought out a camera phone that has a 3Mpix camera and it’s not all that weighty. Would be nice to have the security of a phone and the use of a camera on the trail.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    I am in Melbourne, at the moment I am not able to organise hikes or trips due to a not very pleasant home situation. I have a personal dislike towards mobile phones, a dedicated camera is still a lot better, but I can see the advantage of a multifunction tool. No reason why we could not have a phone/GPS/camera/MP3 in one unit that is good enough for all those functions. You could start a thread ” who would like a….” or ” what would you like in….”

    Miguel Arboleda
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kanto Plain, Japan

    Here in Japan EVERYBODY has cell phones. You can’t even have a social life if you don’t have one. The development of cell phone technology is way beyond that of anything anywhere else in the world, especially because far more Japanese (and Asians) use the internet through cell phones than through desktop computers.

    My cell phone has 3 MB px (very common here… it is the 6 MB px camera phones and the television phones, GPS phones and international dialing phones that are all the rage at the moment) and it takes very sharp and impressive photos.

    However, I would never use the camera for hiking because the battery life is dismal. Within twenty minutes of continuous shooting the cell phone goes dead. It is just not reliable out away from power sources.

    Since I am a diabetic I carry the phone for emergencies when I hike but never use it on the trail. Back in the cities I will use it to look up train and bus schedules on the internet and to e-mail friends for meet ups. IF you’re serious about photography, though, I would recommend against it.

    My Â¥2.0’s worth…

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