
Topo Maps for Garmin GPS units

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    Siegmund Beimfohr
    BPL Member


    I ran across this site mentioned on another forum (White Blaze, I think) and am enthused about the capabilities of these free maps.

    GPSFileDepot has individual state 1:24,000 topos as well as a large number of other maps that are designed for use with Garmin GPS units. I have downloaded several individual state topos and installed the .img files; this also registers them with MapSource so that they are listed in MapSource's upper left corner "Select a Product" drop-down box. Switching between Garmin's Topo2008 and one of the 1:24,000 topos is seamless. The GPSFileDepot maps have considerably more detail and contour lines than the Garmin maps.

    Although the site mentions testing these maps with newer Garmin units, I tried them with my early-model GPS. I have a Garmin Legend (grey-scale with 8MB memory) and have been using it to record tracks and trip waypoints which I later transfer to Garmin's Mapsource Topo2008 software on the PC. Garmin's Topo2008 maps are simplified and not true 1:24,000 topos.

    The GPSFileDepot maps upload to the unit just fine and seem to work just like the Garmin mapset except they display considerably more detail. The one drawback, especially on older units with limited memory, is that the file sizes are considerably larger. For example, I have visited Allegan State Game Area in Michigan a couple of times in the last month. The two maps required to cover the area around Swan Creek are 538KB and 383KB in Garmin's Topo2008; the GPSFileDepot 1:24,000 topo file sizes are .99MB and 1.26MB. This limitation shouldn't be too big a problem for shorter trips; newer unit that have expandable memory (microSD chips) should have plenty of room for the many maps required for longer trails.

    This site has many other map resources including instructions for the creation of custom maps for use with Garmin units. I've just begun exploring the information but the 1:24,000 topos that integrate so well with MapSource and Garmin units alone are very useful.

    Chris Benson


    Locale: Boulder

    …I've used some of the maps there for Colorado and Illinois. Both had more wetland/pond/lake info than the standard USGS topos, as well as more trails..

    In case anyone is interested, the USGS topos are downloadable for free as georeferenced pdf's. If you install the GeoPDF toolbar (free) for acrobat reader, you can then create your own lines tracing trails, marking points, etc. The tool allows for export as .kml or .shp file. These can then be converted to .gpx files easily with DNRGarmin (free tool from Minnesota DNR) and imported into Garmin's Mapsource as tracks and turned into routes.

    I used this method on a trip recently with my Garmin 60Csx. It was great, the Garmin would beep at each trail split and point the way. It's also nice to print the marked up pdf to have a printed topo of the area your hiking that has your route and side trails you want to check out highlighted.

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