I was checking the sizing on them. I usually hike in 10.5 size. REI's site says a foot 10 inches wears a roclite size 8? Am I reading this right? Are they really sized that differently from US shoes?
Check runningwarehouse.com for almost the same deal all the time when you factor in free shipping. They offer free 2 day shipping and free return service.
I also buy all my Inov-8 trail shoes from RunningWarehouse since the selection and prices are good. Normally I order a half size up from most of my other shoes since they tend to run from 1/4 to 1/2 size smaller than most.
zappos.com carries a number of Inov8 models and they provide sizing advisories, presumably because of customer feedback (but I don't KNOW that).
Example, for one model:
Please select a half size up as this shoe runs a half size small. (If you wear a Men's size 9, please choose a Men's size 9.5. If you wear a Women's 8, please select a Women's size 8.5.)
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