
Sleeping Bag Challenge

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  • #1217201
    Sasha Rice


    Really looking for a sleeping bag that is is warmer than my 50 oz one I currently have but packs down smaller and is of course lighter.
    Can anyone give me suggestions for a sleeping (or quilt rated to around 25-35F) that is close to 16oz, packs down to practically nothing, and is really cheap (as close to $100 as possible)? Thanks

    BPL Member


    What temp. range are you looking for (i.e. how warm is warm)?

    Sasha Rice


    Oops forgot to put that in, looking for 25-35F, used inside a bivy, on the appalachian trails for spring and fall time use.

    R K


    Locale: South West US

    The Kelty Lightyear 25 is ~$130

    Jim Colten
    BPL Member


    Locale: MN

    I see that REI sells the Kelty Light Year 3D +25 at $100 right now but at 38oz it’s nowhere near your target weight.

    You MIGHT be able to do better than that ($$ vs wt) if you shop reqularly at a lot of online stores over a period of months but 16 oz at 30F is usually in the high end of cost.

    If you are willing to go the MYOG route, thru-hiker has a down quilt kit a little above your price point and ray-way has a synthetic quilt kit. Ray’s prices vary with options but are all well under $100

    Scott Peterson


    Locale: Northern California

    Last spring I too was looking for something lighter than my sythetic bag (15 degree and close to 50 ounces). I considered making my own quilt but decided against it not trusting my abilities to sew nor having a bunch of time to devote to such a project.

    It became clear if I wanted something that was closer to 20 ounces and packed smaller I needed to opt for down. The only other issue was keeping the budget in mind. I finally selected the Mont-Bell Super Stretch Hugger #5. For $150, it weighs in at 26 ounces and has a minimum temp. of 28 degrees…which might be a stretch in spring temps. on the Appal. For $235 you can jump up to the Alpine Down Hugger, drop 5 more ounces and get a rating down to 14 degrees. Bottom line, it seems that unless you make something…and I still am not entirely confident in the “quilt” concept…you are hard pressed to get a quality light-weight sleep option on the cheap.

    Sasha Rice


    Thanks for the posts everyone, ill just stick with my 50 oz sleeping bag since ultralight means paying much more.

    Ryan Faulkner



    I have a 30 degree $25 sleeping bag that weighs just over 2 pounds. it is my heaviest bag but thats because it is synthetic.
    it dosent meet all your expectations, but is light and CHEAP!!!
    not the lightest, but ,lighter than 50oz.
    some pics of the $25 bag

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    not quite as beautiful as a mont bell bag, oh well.

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    doule sided zipper for foot box ventilation

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    you cant really see the draft coller and draft tube, but its there

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    the best way I could think of to show the width of the bag

    this bag works great for my dad and my sister. so try it out, if you dont like it, its only $25 and you could cut it up and make a jacket or something.

    Ryan Faulkner


    you can get this Here

    pay no attention to the temp. rating, it is inaccurate. I rate it as a 30 degree bag.

    Sasha Rice


    Thanks for the posts everyone, ill just stick with my 50 oz sleeping bag since ultralight means paying much more.

    Ryan Faulkner



    thats not alot.
    or is it?

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