Thanks Ryan, that gets me started. Good to see what to do with the hood. Is there a way to get no gaps on the ridgeline where the ponchos meet so they could take a real downpour?
I just pulled mine out on the living room floor and experimented. They’re the “extended” silnylon ones that Campmor sells. I was hoping I could use the snaps to join them but: one way the snap placement doesn’t line up right leaving huge, untaut gaps, and the other way its all too symetrical and the male/female snaps don’t snap into each other. Any sewing types know if there’s any such thing as a “snap-converter”?
(I suppose if I were really handy I could sew a joining roof that might fix both promblems. But I don’t have my diy chops up.)
Or,is there any overlapping configuration that wouldn’t double the necessary cords?