Hi All,
I was wondering if these two compasses are the same. EMS support said its the same but I wanted to post in this forum to confirm.
REI: http://www.rei.com/product/652898
No. They are not. EMS is selling an MC-2. The one from REI is part number MC-2G (make note of the G). G is for Global. The ones without are designed to work in a specific zone. The difference was explained on Suunto's website when I was looking to get this a few months ago. I still am, but without the rush, I'm waiting to catch it on clearance sale or find one used. Until then, my old $5 Silva still gets me around.
Chris and Christopher,
Thanks for your information. I posted my question when I was not able to find information on the suunto site. I went back to the site for a second look and see what you guys are talking about.
I want the 2G. Do you guys know if it comes with metric or the non metric scales ?
I would prefer the metric because that's the system in use in india.
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