
splenda,nutrasweet,spouse education

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    larry savage


    Locale: pacific northwest

    I’ve decided that the “add to shopping cart” button is also connected to my spousal unit.
    It is now time to buy a new pack to replace my west half-dome.Did I hear a collective” dude, that thing is ancient” The problem is every pack I own is cheerfully hanging in the basement storage area,well,except a couple stuffed into an antother.
    Wife Mantra 1;How many packs do you need?Get rid of some of these,what I climbed mt.steeper’n’crap with that one and this is my ol’sar pack and… .
    Wife Mantra 2;No, it’s ________.[the holidays soon,the wrong phase of the moon,cook some mexican food,i thought you were going to get a monster pack so you can carry everything for us,do you know how how many bicycles you have?]
    Wife Mantra 3;out comes the monthly budget,yearly plan, with strong hints that I’m a selfish,spoiled,incomplete human that can’t possibly love us….remember that time in vancouver?
    I actually know better than to buy it and pass it off as that ol’thing I found buried in the corner[well,I do now]Do I need Dr.Phil to negotiate this deal? Thanks any input is appreciated. Oh, I’ve been using stevia lately.

    Timothy Chauran


    The appropriate answer to your wife’s Zen-like question of “How many packs <or tents, or stoves, etc> do you really need?” can be simply and eloquently stated as thus:

    “That’s easy Honey – Just one more.”

    Of course, I’m divorced…

    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    I think that we all have this same sort of problem. When my wife looks at my gear hung up in our garage she always asks; do you need all of those packs? Tents?, Sleeping bags. I have gotten to the point that I just don’t tell her in fear that she will just sell some of the stuff. LOL

    paul johnson


    Locale: LazyBoy in my Den - miss the forest

    simple solution. works for me. my gear goes inside of basically non-descript cardboard boxes, all stored in a storage room, already having boxes. they are basically camouflaged in plain sight. if y’all ever hear a blood curdling female’s scream comin’ fr/the northeast, that’s my wife when she finds out what’s in many of the boxes. the second sound you’ll undoubtedly hear coming from the same general direction and being deeper in tone will be my death cry.

    actually,…my wife is a sweetie and very understanding (she would have to be to put up with me for 26 yrs).

    larry savage


    Locale: pacific northwest

    Yep,that’s how it worked with wife A,27 years of blissful ignorance. Outlived her and found wife B, who had a very sneaky untrustworthy previous husband.
    Well,I think your right, time to clean up the storage area and repackage some merchandise. Do you realize if your wife goes hunting for Christmas decorations and mine does the same we could be enjoying our death throes in both the NE and NW. Kinda like doing a real painful hike together…

    paul johnson


    Locale: LazyBoy in my Den - miss the forest

    hear ya’ loud and clear. remember to keep all Chanukah/Christmas decorations in clearly marked packages! however, it sounds like your ‘B’ is more inquisitive. not much you can do when the female of the species is “stalking” (sorry i’m getting confused between this and the Cougar Thread i’m enjoying so much). you just don’t want to be around for the “ambush” part – can get messy. take care, fellow “gear” head.

    i liked what a prev. poster said about Packs inside of packs. i take this approach and then put them inside of my old OD green canvas “sea bag”. it’s truly amazing how many L/UL packs you fit “matryoshka” style (traditional Russian nesting doll) using this “nesting” method.

    Mike Storesund


    Like Tim… I’m divorced so no need to educate. However, if I were still married, I would remind of all the little shiny sparkly things she collected, in much smaller packages and much easier to hide away from you… and usually much more expensive. But I forgot! Those don’t count. (Was that my out loud voice again? Dang that gets me into trouble!)

    Glenn Roberts


    Locale: Southwestern Ohio

    Let’s face it – we all married better than our wives did.

    Kevin Lane
    BPL Member


    Come on guys be real men here, what is the matter with you? What are you afraid of? Be tough. Learn from the walking bellies. Rent a storage room like I do

    larry savage


    Locale: pacific northwest

    Back in the winter of 1996 I had a storage unit broken into,in the process of filing an insurance claim the adjuster questioned my wife about a few items they didn’t recognize…let’s just say the most perfect method can be flawed.

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