kevin, they have powder at 1lb. for $19.95. alittle pricey, but sounds like it would be good added to juice etc. may i ask, why are you taking it backpacking? tori
I tried there but cannot get into the site. I have been drinking it each morning and, in addition to being hooked on its taste, have been sold on its apparent medicinal value. Plus, added to grain alcohol, what more can I say!
JustVeggies offeres freeze-dried Pomegranate now. It is a little spendy – $8/container, but each container is the equivilent of 8 pomegranates. I've been wondering if I could run that through the blender and make powder from it.
HOWEVER – I'm pretty sure it wouldn't rehydrate into "juice". Maybe for a smoothie type thing?
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