
Gregory G-Pack ’04

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    Kenneth Gurney


    After some consideration, here is why I choose the ’04 G-Pack…
    I started with the recomendations and reviews provided by this site and others. So here are the 3 packs I started with…
    Golite Speed Pack (S) at 1lb 15oz
    Osprey Aether 45 Pack (S) at 1lb 12oz
    Gregory G-Pack ’04 (S) at 2lb 9oz

    (These weights were provided by the Manufactures…)
    First of all the ’04 G-Pack has aluminum framing… which I took off.
    Note: ’05 G-Pack does not have aluminum framing, but weighs the same.
    After a little more tinkering the pack now weighs in at 1lb 14.5oz…
    In comparison I prefered the Hipbelt on the G-Pack… Although the Osprey Aether 45 was nice too, it seemed to pinch when I bent over. Now, I understand that Alot of you use packs without Hipbelts and that at such a light weight, <14lbs, I wouldn't need it, but I prefer them.
    Next was the shoulder harness… Once again I prefered the G-Pack.
    I did like the Golite side mesh pockets over the Osprey… The G-Pack has none, but I don’t ever find myself using these type of side pockets on my Daypack. I use a Platypus bladder w/drinking hose, so I won’t be reaching for a water bottle…
    With all my gear plus food for an overnight, I still have room.
    Hope to here your thoughts…

    Mark Verber
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    I am surprised that the Granite Gear Vapor Trail wasn’t in your initial list. It’s in the same league weight / volume wise. Is there a reason you didn’t consider the Vapor Trail?

    From my experience (and given my body geometry) the Vapor Trail is significantly more comfortable that the G-pack, the Aether 45, and the GoLite Speed.

    Kenneth Gurney


    One of the considerations to choosing a pack was availability, or atleast a way to try it on.

    The Packs I tried out were all found at REI or The Sports Chalet… I did start with a big list of packs that I found online, but could not find all listed at local stores. Both the Nimbus and Vapor were on the List, but only the Nimbus could be found… And it was simply eliminated because it was 1lb heavier than my other picks. The Vapor Trail is a pack…that is larger than the rest. I may have ruled it out because of this too.

    I live in Sacamento, CA… If you know of a store around this area to check out a larger selection of Packs, Granite Gear Vapor trail, let me know…
    As I’ve stated in other Posts, I’m new at the UltraLight Backpacking Experience… I am more than willing to try a number of pieces of equipment out before settling.

    Thanks for the reply :)

    Mark Verber
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    Ack! I was going to suggest that you take advantage of REI’s great customer service and order a Vapor Trail to try out… but they aren’t carrying it this season?! Gads, I just don’t understand why more folks don’t carry this pack. It’s won awards from backpacker mag, it is one of the most popular “switch” packs along the AT, it’s MY favorite pack after trying 15 different packs in the last four years :-), yet it’s hard to find in many locations.

    Alas, the closest store to you that I know regularly stocks the Vapor Trail is in Downworks in Santa Cruz which isn’t exactly right around the corner from you. If you don’t mind floating the cost of a pack and paying shipping you could order it from an online store with a good return policy.

    The one other pack you might want to try that you should be able to check out locally is the Mountainsmith Ghost. I thought this pack was just “ok”, but there are a lots of ultralight folks who love it. REI does carry the Ghost. If your local store doesn’t have it in stock, just ask them to get one from the warehouse.


    Kenneth Gurney


    Thanks Mark :)
    I will keep an eye out… I did see a Vapor Trail on EBay.

    Jeremy Best


    Hey there Mark, I actually have a Vapor that has only been used a few times. I may Part with it if the $$ is right. It is an awsome pack but for me a bit to heavy. I did does some mods as far as trimming the straps and extra loops (I cut off 4 oz. making it about 28 oz.) E-mail me back.

    Jeremy Best

    Kenneth Gurney


    I went to REI to pick-up a couple things and found a Vapor Trail stuffed behind a bunch of other packs… I didn’t have time today to wear it around, but I will make time this week to test drive it…

    Kenneth Gurney


    Well after wearing the Vapor Trail for about 30min. I really enjoyed the back pad and the Hipbelt felt the same as the ’04 G-Pack… Never the less I went ahead and picked it up.
    I did read the reports on this site about both the G-Pack and Vapor Trail having problems with some seams around the hipbelt and shoulder straps, so we’ll see…

    Frank Deland


    Locale: On the AT in VA

    I recently looked at the Gregory z and Nimbus Latitude at EMS in Boston. Both nice packs, the Grgory would be sin=milar to the Mountaineering Ghost. Ut has a zipper along the side of the pack for entry even tough it is basically a top-loading pack. It has a shovel-type netted outside pocket on the back which could easily hold a wet tent, ie. it is quite spacious. The Latitude has a unique opening system. It has two zippers roughly 6″ apart the run down the enitire length of the pack, so it can be opened almost as if it were a duffle. It neatly exposed the inside of the pack. The zippers are waterproof.
    The Gregory G and Nimbus Vapor are reviewed at (not sure of the model year) Of note on the Granite Gear packs, the lower compression strap goes right across the outside of the mesh pocket. The shoulder straps come in a variety of sizes and have individual adjustment lengths where they atttach to the pack. The newer models have pockets and holes for interior water containers (camelbacks/platypus). They listened to feedback from their pack users!

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