I made the mistake of planting 23 zucchini plants this summer!
You an guess what happened… an over abundance of zucchini in all sizes. A few got a away from me and ended up being the size of tunas.
Fortunately the secret is to dehydrate them.
Use a food processor with the grater blade. Spread the zucchini noodles on dehydrator trays ( I recommend the Excalibur models). When dry, shred to flakes in a food processor.
I also slice them thin (crosswise rather than lengthwise) then toss them on the grill to char them slightly. I dry the slices and add them to my pasta, trail pizza, soups, etc. Sometimes I puree them with white beans, lemon and herbs to make a dip. Toss it on the dehydrator and you have a dip for lunch that hydrates quickly with cool water and tastes good.
the obvious one I would be thinking after seeing zucchini would be squash……..but I'm sure you could do just about any veggie you could slice….you could do larger fruits too….maybe apples or something.
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