Shower curtain
Stylish "dress about town" green cape
Emergency Bivy
Two together make a cool "pup" tent
Tent Fly
Gear Hammock
Water Bag
Daytime napping bivy (I've used it this way a number of times in the winter here in Texas) Just lay down on half in a cold breeze in the sun, cover up, and get warm and toasty …. take a nap!
Can be rigged as an emergency travois or a stretcher
Impromptu sled for snow slopes
I used mine on the AT last year during the drought. I caught water off the roof of Mollies Ridge shelter during a passing storm. One quart that I was glad to get and surprised that it never made me sick – it was a nasty color even after filtering.
1) Packraft sail
2) Parachute your pack off a small cliff before a forced downclimb
3) Lower your dog off a small cliff before a forced downclimb
4) Toreador kit for dealing with bulls
5) Skin for homemade coracle
6) Sling for broken arm
7) Hammock?
Sink. If you have a ccf (closed cell foam) pad, roll it loosely and stand it on end, tie cord around it. Put poncho over it and form a bowl on the upper end of the column formed by the ccf pad (if you're hiking with a friend and they have a ccf pad too, double it up for a more stable base). Voila, a nice wash basin for cleaning up.
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