In Memoriam: Blake Morstad
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Jan 6, 2005 at 7:23 pm #1335062
Blake was one of those family friends of mine, more like a cousin than a friend. My first really good memory of Blake was a New Year’s Eve party. He got this red GI Joe Cobra boat for Christmas, I can’t remember the name of it, Hydro-something. Erin, Blake, my brother Casey, and I stayed up until the wee hours of the new year playing board games (Sorry!, I think) and getting to know each other better. I think we used to call him ‘Blake-ie’ back then, but I can’t really remember for sure. The few times I had out at the Morstad’s place always moved by too quickly.
I remember racing remote controlled cars with Blake, hauling grain with Blake, hunting deer with Blake…. He really was like a cousin to me. Blake and I were on the same wavelength, and when my parents told me he got his ME degree, I wasn’t surprised one bit. I always knew he was an engineering guy. He was one of those bright blubs, it showed in everything he did. His eyes had a certain sharpness to them, calcualting and cool. In our brief times together, I don’t think I ever heard him raise his quiet voice, not even once.
I don’t know if our paths would have crossed again, I kind of figured they would, guess I figured wrong. I’m going to miss you, Blake. All of us who knew you will. God was with you that day, and someday, all of us will understand.
Very truly
–TimmyJan 6, 2005 at 8:21 pm #1335063My family has been deeply saddened by the news of Blake’s passing. We knew him only for a short time through Addie and her family. But even with our brief experience, Blake displayed an evident love for God and others. We are comforted by the knowledge that he has gone home to be with the Lord. Our prayers are for Addie, the baby, and the family.
David Coletta
Jan 7, 2005 at 10:05 am #1335068Dear Margie, Rachel and Erin
I am so sorry I am not able to attend the service tomorrrow to pay my respects to Blake, the roads and weather here are very bad. I feel honored to have known Blake better than most for a brief period of five or so years as a very young boy, and while being able to visit with him usually at least once a year when he came back to Calgary to visit his family it was easy to see what a truly unique and gifted young man he had become. Appropriate words are difficult to find describing Blakes accomplishments and character. It is obvious from all other accounts he was more mature and accomplished than people much older than himself. This is a rare attribute and one you can all feel very proud about as you go through your own journeys in life.
I wish you all peace,happiness,health and succcess in all your future endeavors, and above all my most sincere condolences for this terrible tragedy.Jan 7, 2005 at 3:20 pm #1335069I had the privilege of getting to know Blake as we both started grad school together. I was immediately impressed with the way Blake acted around others, his intelligence, and his strong faith in the Lord. He helped me and all of the other grad students studying numerous times and was always patient and kind. I feel honored to have climbed and skied with Blake a few times. His conversations let you know of his deep faith in Christ, and his love for his wife. Addie, know that Laura and I are praying for you, and that your husband was a great man who left a lasting impression on many people.
His Peace,
Mark and LauraJan 7, 2005 at 6:48 pm #1335072To my first ever college roommate, your presence on this earth will not be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Although we may not understand now, God must surely have a plan for you. We will meet again.
Bob Edwards
Jan 7, 2005 at 7:57 pm #1335073When the annual Morrison Maierle ski day rolled around last winter, I was reluctant to go. My husband, Justin, convinced me to go by saying that we would be skiing with Addie and Blake, since Addie and I were at about the same skill level. I’m glad I went. Blake who was a superior skier, stuck with us, and waited for me numerous times as I was the last one to make it down. Every run, he had encouraging words and that huge smile of his.
Although, he probably wanted to ski the more challenging runs, he stuck with us showing how patient, kind, and good hearted he truly was.
Blake will be sadly missed and I feel honored to have gotten the chance to know him. In the journey of life, it will be hard to find someone as caring, kind and considrate as he was.
Our hearts go out to Blake’s family, you are all in out thoughts and prayers.With love,
Becky and Justin HouserJan 8, 2005 at 3:19 pm #1335078My fondest memories of Blake are from a summer spent building fences for his dad on their ranch. Day after day, we pounded posts and strung wire. It wasn’t the most exciting job, but as many others who have noted in these messages, Blake brought his “inquiring mind” to everything he did. I remember Steve saying “that’ll never work,” but I’d bet those corner-posts still stand today.
After falling out of touch for almost six years, I received and unexpected phone call from Blake earlier this winter. That conversation is one I’ll cherish forever.
Our hearts go out to his family. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Mike Zieske
Jan 8, 2005 at 5:12 pm #1335079As Sam Kavanagh’s cousin, I met Blake a couple of times at Sam and Sara’s house. I remember him being so kind and friendly and an obvious representation of an amazing Christian.
I followed the helicopter to the hospital this Monday and was standing in the emergency room when Sam was brought in. When we finally got to see him, the first words out of his mouth were about Blake. It was then that I truly understood what a tragic loss this is for everyone.
I don’t doubt that Addie and Blake’s baby will be a living legacy of Blake and his memory will be forever told to this child.
It is hard to comprehend why Blake left so soon, but there’s no question God now holds him tightly in His loving arms. My prayers and thoughts are with Addie, Blake’s family, Addie’s family and all of those who were touched at one time in their lives by Blake. I know he will truly be missed and forever loved.Jan 8, 2005 at 8:41 pm #1335081As a teenager & in my ealry adulthood Blake was my stepbrother that was always full of energy & life. I have not talked with Blake for years & am both glad to see he accomplished so much & sad to see that he left us so tragicaly. I rememeber many times being with Blake, Erin, Rachel & Marjie for special occassions. Life is short & I am glad to see that Blake has made so much of his. I am truley sorry for your loss as a family, I wish you all the best & hope Blakes child will be as happy & outgoing as he was.
Jan 9, 2005 at 9:27 pm #1335088I met your whole party the night before we left Hellroaring Cr. tents. Despite your grueling ski in the night before, you were so full of energy, you were up before we were. We really appreciated the use of your up-tracks, though we only had time for two runs before we had to ski out.
I was surprised to see such a large party w/ such good discipline. You were staying in the trees and and exposing only one person to danger at a time.
I will remember you all as a strong, safe party who was beaten by the odds.
God Bless,
JamesJan 10, 2005 at 3:36 pm #1335098In Memory of a Dear Friend and Brother, Blake Morstad
As I sit down and take time to reflect upon Blake’s life, my mind and heart are filled with images and feelings of the peaceful presence that was Blake.
A cherished friend, a brother in The Faith, a wise and knowledgeable voice, a smiling face, an inquisitive and sharp mind, and one of the kindest and most sincere hearts that I have known…this is and always will be Blake Morstad.
All of my memories of my time with Blake have the common thread of his excitement and willingness to go out and enjoy the kind of adventure that is so deeply needed in the heart of a man. I could call Blake and, with a moments notice, know that he would be sure to join me on any outing and charge hard the whole time. I would always return satisfied with adventure, but even more so, with great fellowship.
The most enjoyable part of hanging out with Blake was his desire to have deep and meaningful conversation every time we were together. Blake preferred silence to small talk and he usually broke that silence with a question or comment that would cause all members of the conversation to examine the situation or themselves with more depth. Blake lived a deep and meaningful life that affected everyone around him.
Shortly after Blake and I had started hanging out, I went on a road trip with him to Canada to see his mom and sister. This trip was a trip of leisure and sight seeing that was a bit different than the trips we were usually together on. After spending hours in the car with Blake, we became much closer friends and started to hang out all of the time. We spent endless days up at Bridger bowl, riding our bikes and climbing rock. Blake was as good as a friend gets and a true man of God.
I thank God for the way that Blake’s heart was captured by a love for and faith in our Savior and God, Jesus Christ. This faith is responsible for the only peace I can find in my heart when thinking about my dear friend who has departed from us. What I wouldn’t give to be with him and talk with him one last time, but he is God’s child and for a short time we will not be seeing him. I take rest and relief in the fact that I will get to be with Blake again and for eternity. Praise God for that promise.
I will always remember Blake and his immense effect on my life. Good bye for a short time my friend.
Zach Tondre
Jan 11, 2005 at 12:50 pm #1335101As a child my grandmother taught me” when those we love are gone forever they leave us one final gift. The wonderful memories of time shared togather.”
My sincere condolences to the Family and friends of Blake.
May fond memories of him comfort you at this time.Jan 12, 2005 at 5:17 pm #1335124It really grabbed me to read this account about Blake Morstad. The reason I even read it is because I wanted further insight to BPL’s views on Life, Living, and Faith. It caught me deeply to read about how friends viewed Blake. It touched me deeply because the person who did the write up wrote from the heart. I could feel it so deeply in the words written. I have been reading a phenomenal book by John Eldridge called “Waking the Dead”; another amazing book would be “Wild at Heart” (a book every man should read). “Waking the Dead” is all about discovering your true heart and living within the purpose God created you. It is when you live out of your true identity that you truly come alive. Blake was doing what he loved and gave the glory to God for all he possessed and no doubt his most important possessions were not his backpacking gear but his family and friends because he apparently made an impact on everyone in a way that built people up. The message to us in the book “Waking the Dead” is that our heart is good. In Christ we are cleansed and he has plans for a hope and a future for all of us whom he loves (Jeremiah 29:11). Tragic things happen. People close to us suffer and some just die. Just remember that God sees the other side of that. On the surface allowing Jesus ridicule and jeering and beatings unimaginable seem to make one think, where is God now? Well he’s at the right hand of the father and he lives, we have an eternal washing of sins through his shed blood. God saw the other side of the equation we can take comfort in that. Blake is no doubt with our lord now. Blessings to Blake’s family and friend’s take courage and have faith.
In Him,
Kevin BosJan 18, 2005 at 4:48 pm #1335206I would like to give my deepest heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the Beaverhead SAR, the Freemont SAR, the Sheriff Dept., the pilot of the Huey Helicopter from Malmstrom Air Force Base, his crew, Ryan Jordan for such a fitting commentary of Blake, also Blake’s friends who with him on that tragic day and along with several volunteers brought Blake down from the mountain for their selfless efforts, time,and energy to honor Blake in such a gentle and loving manner. May God bless us all…Margie Morstad
Jan 18, 2005 at 9:16 pm #1335210I remember the day Blake came home from the Hospital! As a good friend of Margie, Blake’s mom….I rushed over to see the new baby – her third child, and only son. And what a close-knit family they were – the 4 of them shared an amazing sense of humour and deep affection! I watched Blake grow from a little boy to an amazing young man. His sisters adored him, and his mom was so proud of her son – and justifiably so! What Blake accomplished in only 24 years could take the rest of us a lifetime. Margie, Rachel, and Erin – I am so, so sorry for your loss. Please know I am praying for you. And Addie, while I’ve never met you, you must be a very special lady – may the Lord keep you and your precious baby safely under his wing. God bless.
Jan 19, 2005 at 8:16 am #1335212My mom sent your story to me since i used to live in Bozeman. My heart goes out to all who knew and loved Blake. But my heart does rejoice knowing I will one day get the pleasure of meeting such a remarkable man. His life, thru the articles, has inspired me to live a more godly life and to never take my husband or family or life for granted. you will be in our prayers. love in Christ, Tiffani
Jan 24, 2005 at 10:23 am #1335260I miss my husband. Though our time together was too short, it was so sweet, and I’m so grateful for how happy we were.
Blake, I miss being “Sweetie,” while you were “Baby.” Both ridiculous nicknames, because you were so big, and I was not always so sweet. I miss how you loved comparing your big hands to my small ones, and how delighted you were that my wedding ring fit neatly inside of yours. I miss your strong, handsome face and your deep voice, especially how tender it was when you spoke to me. I miss going to bed with you and getting up with you. I miss eating together, when you could always be counted on to finish what I couldn’t. I miss praying together, for our families and for each other. I miss the touch of your hand, the look on your face, as you felt our baby moving within me.
As hard as it is to ask God for comfort, knowing that He could have changed this, could have saved you, I know that He is still faithful. I know that you are having adventures with Jesus, and that you get the privilege of seeing the bigger picture, which I do not see yet. You get the privilege of knowing if our child will be a Blake Samuel or a Blake Emma, and you got off easy, never changing a diaper.
My life is so different than what we had planned, but as difficult as it is, I trust God to help me through this. I will always miss you, Blakie, but I anticipate getting to see you again with such hope, such joy – and I am so grateful that you left me with that. I have supreme peace knowing where you are, and that we will be together again in paradise.
Thank you to everyone who has left such encouraging, touching, and fond memories of Blake. Thank you to, which not only hooked Blake on lighter gear so he could carry more on our trips, but for this memorial, which has provided both an outlet for so many as well as an accurate portrait of my dear husband.
In Christ,
AddieJan 27, 2005 at 1:31 pm #1335303I have held off on writing anything as I wanted to get to know Blake more through others before doing so. My knowledge of Blake is primarily through Addie and the comments left for him. My heart is with Addie, the soon-to-be baby, and all of Blake’s family that have tragically lost his physical presence in their daily lives. Through the beautiful words that remember Blake and his love of God I can only believe that although he is physically no longer with us, his presence indeed remains. The powerful memorial article and the comments left by so many loved ones allows Blake to live on in memories and God is allowing Blake to watch over those Blake loved so much while in Heaven. God Bless Blake’s family and friends and may you continue to experience the joy, love, adventure, and warmth that Blake would have surely wanted if he were still with us.
Hillary Howard -
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