
MYOG diffuser for tiny AAA flashlight

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear MYOG diffuser for tiny AAA flashlight

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    Jang-Tian Shieh(Syoten)
    BPL Member


    Locale: Taiwan

    DQG tiny AAA is probably the smallest AAA flashlight. I like its lightweight and compact size but just can’t find a diffuser to fit it. At first I tried to make a diffuser from a ping-pong ball, but found there is a hot spot making the light not even, and a ping-pong is a bit bulky . ping-pong diffuser Finally I found the extension tube of silicone sealant is the perfect material. extension tube It was a bit too large for my DQG tiny AAA. too long tube So I cut it shorter. cut the tube shorter There is a small hole at the tip so I sealed it with an iron. small hole at the tip sealed with iron hole at the tip Then it's a perfect diffuser! fit well I use it as a small electric candle. candle It's also a tiny light tube. lamp

    Dale Wambaugh
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Brilliant! (no pun intended) [light saber sounds] Fenix makes a similar one, but by the time you pay for the item and shipping, your re-purposed item is dirt cheap and a fine example of the fine art of Applied Junque. Good job!

    Jang-Tian Shieh(Syoten)
    BPL Member


    Locale: Taiwan

    I've searched if anything available on the market. But the diameter of my DQG tiny AAA is just 12mm. I think fenix diffuser tips are too large for it.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Hi, Good work. If I remember I'll post another use for those tube extensions tomorrow.

    Andrew Kling
    BPL Member


    Locale: Williamsport, PA and Ottsville, PA

    I'm envisioning midget/little people directing aircraft.

    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    That tip of the silicone sealant tube is quite sturdy and looks very nicely finished. For something lighter and free: Cut a triangle of HDPE out of a plastic milk jug. Roll it into a cone, seal with packing tape or weld it closed with molten HDPE (light a strip on fire and molten HDPE will drip from the burning end). Jam it onto your flashlight and trim to fit.

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