
Emigrant Wilderness 10/24-10/26

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Home Forums Campfire Member Trip Reports Emigrant Wilderness 10/24-10/26

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  • #1333757
    Dylan Atkinson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    Escaped out to Emigrant for the weekend on a loop that started from Kennedy Meadows and headed to Kennedy Lake, cross country to Lost Lake then over Brown Bear Pass, Sheep Camp, Relief Resevoir and back to Kennedy Meadows. emigrant map1 Drove up Friday evening and stayed at what I thought was an empty campground only to be woken up incredibly loud hooting, hollering and the sound of bottles breaking. I was stealthy enough coming in that who ever was just on the other side of the trees didn't bother me. The good part is that I had hot dogs for breakfast that I had cooked before I left the house. The bad part is they were mostly frozen. It was a cold night. Day 1 Out of Kennedy Meadows I saw one couple on a day hike going to Relief Reservoir and a group of four young kids coming back from Kennedy Lake. They told me the trail all but disappeared closer to the lake and turned into a wet soggy marsh. Combined with the rain a week ago (4" in a few hours) and the fact that this area is still used for cattle and horses, I ended up walking ankle deep in mud for the last mile to the lake. IMG_4809 The trail is still good here IMG_4793 Got new Cascadias a few days before – green was on sale so green is what I got. I was an eyesore. Thankfully I didn't run into too many people. IMG_4808 Cabin filled with junk IMG_4820 One of many trails emanating from the 'main' trail. Everywhere was mud. After trying to keep my feet dry for a while I nearly lost my shoe in a deep puddle. Dry feet were impossible so I plowed on through resigning myself to wet feet that night. IMG_4818 Kennedy Lake IMG_4824 Camp on the SE side of Kennedy Lake The day ended with a small fire to dry out my socks, whisky and a book. Day 2 Started off trail heading Southeast from Kennedy Lake directly toward Kennedy Peak eventually turning due South up a canyon towards Lost Lake. IMG_4834 Looking back toward Kennedy Lake IMG_4844 The wall just below Lost Lake. Super marshy leading up and I stayed toward the middle of the canyon until the base. From there it took me about an hour to head up the right side about half way, eventually traversing gradually up and to the left to the top. IMG_4852 First glimpse of Lost Lake. Found balloons and ribbon at the top. IMG_4857 View looking South from Lost Lake. Spent the night at Sheep Camp – coffee in bed in the morning and about 7 miles back to the car and a 3 1/2 hour drive back home. IMG_4870 Looking west somewhere in between Sheep Camp and Saucer Meadow. IMG_4876 Motivation to get back to the car.

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Nice pictures and report…

    Peter H
    BPL Member


    Locale: Sacramento

    Great report and pics. I got those same shoes on sale at REI. Ugly yes, but the price was pretty.

    Ryan Tucker
    BPL Member


    Great report.

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