Spent a couple of weeks in CA, mostly backpacking, along with a few dayhikes. Between the smoke, clouds, and poor timing sun-wise, most of my pics did not come out like I'd hoped, but here are a few and some favorite spots. Half Dome and Vernal Falls while returning on the JMT after hiking up the Mist Trail. :( This is Ostrander Lake. As promised elsewhere, I did bring the storms. Sprinkles my first night backpacking, couple of quick showers the next, and rain that lasted most of the day(12 of my 15+ miles) on the third. My NPS host said the park should buy me dinner for getting the Tenaya fire under control. Shame I wasn't further south to help with the Rough fire… In spite of almost 110F temps at low elevations the week before, and close to 100F while I was there, up high it still went to freezing or lower on one night, and got quite windy. I'd told my friends the week before that it needed to drop about 70 degrees before I came to visit. Didn't check the temp after sundown, but I both hiked in the rain at 39-41F the week before, and stood around camp at similar temps that evening in just a t-shirt, so it was pretty chilly if I had my Cap2 bottoms and the puffy on! First time to the Sierras, and they have some very pretty country there. SEKI next time.
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