What are we seeing in this photo? The quality is not great but notice the "clouds" hovering over the forest. Want to make a guess? Hint: it was very windy. No, not common dust. Picture taken today near Marias Pass in Glacier Nat'l. Park. Answer below.
Thanks for the photo, Richard. Your photo seems to show the same pollen "storm" as my hiking partner called it. The wind (guessing) was steady at 30 to 40 mph, maybe higher at times.
Yes, it was very windy. We were going through a notch in the ridge to go south from Elizabeth Lake over to the top of Echo Creek. We thought it might be pollen, but couldn't be sure. Interesting phenomenon.
Very interesting….thanks for sharing that experience.
On vacation in California this spring we saw advertised on tv the dreaded Olive Tree pollen was in full force acting upon those with allergies to pollen.
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