
How do You Train?

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique How do You Train?

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    Chad Miller


    Locale: Duluth, Minnesota

    If you're having trouble with equalizing your body when doing an exercise (aka using the stronger side to push / pull more) than you are using improper form and need to reduce the weight you’re trying to move so that each side of your body is working equally.

    Despite using free weights or machines you should always work to apply the same amount of exertion to each side of your body when you’re doing an exercise. Doing so is the basic foundation of proper weight lifting form.

    On a side note it is quite common to be stronger on side of your body than the other. This naturally occurring strength inconsistence is primary reason why so many people lift with poor form. Unbalanced lifting is also the most common mistake people make in regards to proper form when lifting weights.

    Nat Lim


    Locale: Cesspool Central!

    I find for backpacking the best workout that has helped prepped me for carrying loads is carrying my climbing gear on my climbing trips.
    About 8lbs for the rack, it was about 15lbs when I first started, rope(s) (about 8-10lbs), and/or leaders pack (anywhere from 5-15lbs. The approaches can be short or long (a few feet to a few miles…ugh). Nonetheless, that's anywhere from 16-36lbs of gear I'm lugging, and that's for a day trip!
    On top that I get lug that weight up a wall, spend anywhere from 1-6 hours on the wall, then the hike back to the car or tent.
    Plus I'm lightweight 5,8" about 128lbs, that''s almost 1/5 my weight right there!

    So when backpacking season comes around, carrying my weeklong 16lb pack or 10lb 2-3 day pack feels like a dream!!!

    As in terms of core workouts, I don't use weights, but use a series of bodyweight exercises (one-arm push-ups, one legged squats, etc), pilates /yoga combined with an intense climbing regime.

    Depending on the season if not climbing, I replace the climbing regime with a gymnastic ring regime which is alot fun!

    Used to run, but now these days just walk everywhere and so far that has been working pretty well.

    Nat Lim


    Locale: Cesspool Central!

    Great info Chad, quite insightful!

    -At one point I used to lift, but when I was, it was always free weights!

    -Stretching, found this has helped my strength and flexibility immensely

    -One of my favorite work out quotes I've heard: "Workout hard, REST even harder."

    John Schafer


    Yes, great stuff – very helpful.

    Chad (or anybody else), can you give an example/description of a "30 minute weight lifting routine done twice a week to keep your body in balance"? i.e. a list of exercises?


    Chad Miller


    Locale: Duluth, Minnesota

    Well here is what I do. It’s important to note that I also rock and ice climb throughout the year so my workout it tailored around that. I also hike throughout the year so I keep those muscles in shape through activity.

    You will notice that certain exercises are paired up. These paired exercises work antagonist muscle groups so while doing one set of exercises my antagonist muscle group is recovering. That is to say I do one exercise and then immediately do another without any rest in-between.

    I do three sets of ten reps for each exercise unless noted otherwise. With any weight lifting routine I strongly suggest you get professional instruction on how to all exercise. It is important that you use proper form when lifting. All lifting should be done in a smooth controlled manner with no jerky movements. A typical repetition should consist of you lowering the weight for a count of 3-4 seconds and a contraction (forcibly moving the weight) for a 1-2 second count.

    Bench Press or Peck Fly’s
    Seated row or lat pull down

    Shoulder Press
    Internal and external shoulder rotation

    Lower back extension
    Ball sit ups (three sets of 25 reps)

    VO leg extension (look this exercise up)

    Single calf raise with toe pointed in
    Reverse wrist curls

    Dave .
    BPL Member


    Chad, can you describe what you mean by this exercise? I'm not sure I know what you mean.


    Chad Miller


    Locale: Duluth, Minnesota

    Do a Google search for 'internal shoulder rotation exercises'. The site won't let me upload an image right now.

    Michael Chamoun
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Stick to sports specific training. If you're going hiking, go hiking! Put a backpack on with books inside or something heavy. Get used to the imperfections of the trail, go at a consistent pace whether up or down or flat. If you wanted to incorporate some strength training stick with core exercises as they will help you most especially with stability. Discover a stretch routine for the end of your training sessions and incorporate them in your backpacking trips. Weightlifting for long distance backpacking is more or less total crap. The body does not singularly move in the limited planes weight lifting provides. Stick to functional exercises that include weight bearing, increase core muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility.

    Chad Miller


    Locale: Duluth, Minnesota

    I think you have misunderstood the discussion about the potential benefits of weight training as part of your backpacking routine. It was never stated or implied that strength training was a substitute for backpacking. It was also never suggested that strength training alone should be used as a form of training for backpacking.

    If anyone is obtuse enough to think that limiting themselves to a single form of training will prepare someone for long distant backpacking then they are in for a great deal of disappointment, frustration, and injury.

    I agree that sport specific training is the best possible way to train for backpacking (aka backpack to get better at backpacking). As previously stated in this thread no type of weight training will efficiently independently train you for backpacking or any other sport for that matter.

    In any sports specific training program you should incorporate specific strength training exercises to help strengthen antagonistic muscle groups that aren't used during the activity you're training for. Sports specific strength training should also incorporate exercises to increase stability and prevent injury caused from overuse syndrome and strength imbalances (knee pain anyone?)

    Strength training alone will not get you into shape for backpacking. Strength training is intended to be a complementary training routine that when combined with an overall routine including backpacking, cross training, stretching, proper diet, and sufficient rest time will help to improve your backpacking.

    Anitra Kass


    Locale: SoCal

    Well said Chad! I concur.

    George Matthews
    BPL Member


    For most I my life I'd pumped iron. Starting high school and then on and off until towards the end of my 40's. It you have not tried it, then you're missing out on a great natural high. Physically you become stronger, but you also develop a mental toughness.

    I started backpacking a four years ago. In the beginning, I found carrying a pack up a steep slope was very difficult. But I just kept on going. I don't think I would have stuck with it if I had not trained with weights so much. Weight lifting and backpacking are cousins. Your reps are your steps.

    The only reason I quit my weight training is to keep my body weight down. The old saying, 'Train like an animal. Eat like an animal' applied to me. Maybe I will start up again after I hit my 60's : )

    shawn weld


    Locale: NorthEast

    1. Weights 2 – 3 times a week (pullups, bench press, overhead press and squats).

    2. Cardio – 20 minutes a couple days a week.

    3. Hike as often as possible (weekends).

    4. Eat right.

    5. Drinks Coors Light.

    Chad Miller


    Locale: Duluth, Minnesota

    Coors Light, ewww!

    If I where you I'd up your cardio to 35 minutes so you can enjoy an actual beer! :)

    Nat Lim


    Locale: Cesspool Central!

    Ummm…. anyways

    Regime depending on season, and like Chad my workouts are centralized around my climbing

    -Climb 3-4 days a week (mixture btw recruitment, power, power-edurance and endurance, highly dependent on what I am training for)

    -2 days a week of core-ish exercises, 30 minuteish routines (this will vary depending on my cycling stage in climbing):

    One-arm push-ups (never to failure)
    One legged squats (never to failure)

    combined with

    A cycle(s) of Vinyasa style yoga

    -Off days stretching (including on days) and breathing exercises.

    -Not much for cardio, though I know I should, I just walk everywhere with a pack!

    Off-season training (rare, but is does happen)

    Almost the same deal as above except replace climbing with gymnastic rings

    3-4 days a week: gymnastic ring regime consisting of front levers, psuedo plances, dips, pull-ups, extensions, pull-ups, ring flyes, planks. regime is usually split up btw the 3-4 days focusing on "grouped exercises"

    It's alot of fun, but has been somewhat useless for climbing…but at least keeps me in shape!

    -Everyday stretching, same deal as before cycle(s) of Vinyasa style yoga and breathing exercises

    -Cardio wise, same deal as before….walk with my pack everywhere!

    Not sure if this helps, So far this has been working for me (well for the last 3 years so far, and mostly injury free, unless I try being a ninja….) insights, thoughts, advice?


    Mike W
    BPL Member


    Locale: British Columbia

    Andrew :-)


    Locale: Sydney, Australia.

    Stay away from the machines.
    They may sometimes be useful for physiotherapy when rehabbing an injury under the strict guidance of a physician, but apart from that they are next to useless. They are less effective as a training tool and are more likely to cause injury due to enforcing unnatural biomechanics. A highly possible result of locking your body into an artificial ‘groove’ on a resistance training machine is that natural training microtraumas are concentrated to specific tissue leading to injury.
    Orthopaedic surgeons are the only people who benefit from the use of pecdecs… Due to the money they make performing surgery on the shoulder injuries of pecdec users.

    The benchpress is possibly the most overrated exercise and is responsible for countless shoulder problems. It is a complicated lift to do properly, get coaching if you feel the need to dedicate training on this exercise. Perhaps if my car falls off its jack when I’m working on it, the strict benchpress movement may come in handy.

    John Schafer, you might want to investigate a training regime philosophy like Nat Lim’s.
    Use bodyweight exercises, yoga, gymnastic type movements. Gravity is free. Use set and rep ranges to suit your current goal (there are no magic numbers only dogma).
    Sorry this is not more specific.

    Best to do a bit of investigating yourself or you’ll end up on a pecdec machine wearing lycra and sweatbands.
    Try these for starters, there are articles etc:

    If you can’t lift your own bodyweight in a variety of movements both unilaterally and bilaterally then you have no need, or place, training by lifting other objects.

    What’s the perfect form for tripping over a log, chopping firewood, changing a tyre, carrying a fridge down some stairs or carrying an injured hiking partner? It doesn’t exist, so train functionally.

    Before you think of visiting a large commercial gym franchise to start training, first try standing in the shower tearing up $50 notes and belting your joints with a hammer to the sound of easy listening pop music. The effect is the same but at least you won’t catch foot-rot in the safety of your own shower.

    Supplemental training (resistance or otherwise) to enhance your enjoyment of, or performance in, bushwalking or life in general has nothing to do with “body building”. Bodybuilding lore is not science.

    Disclaimer: See a doc before you start any training, be safe, take responsibility for your own actions etc etc etc.

    John Myers
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Texas

    I keep a backpack at work and walk the stairs 3 times a week. It's a 10 story building and I do 5 – 8 sets with about 25 lbs in the pack. Also walk about 3 miles 4-5 times a week. some light weightlifting a couple times a month.


    wonder if more 12 ounce curls would help?

    Andrew :-)


    Locale: Sydney, Australia.

    He trains mountainguides etc, not just young blokes either.

    Adam Weesner


    I don't train for backpacking because I feel the only training for hiking, is hiking. I'm in the gym all the time normally anyway and have more muscle than I need for hiking, but it has never slowed me down. Strong legs are a good thing. Before my JMT hike I hit the stair master a little more, but nothing hardcore. I lost plenty of muscle mass during the 20 days but my body felt great the whole time. I don't think you need to me an ultra-endurance athlete to backpack. If you're an active individual anyway it shouldn't be an issue.

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