Gear Forums
Everything you ever wanted to know about gear - its use and application, limitations, strengths, weaknesses. How to pack for a trip (see the Gear Lists forum), or how to do it yourself (see the Make Your Own Gear forum). Need to know how to use a spork as a tent stake? See the Multiple Use Gear forum. You get the idea. It's all about gear.- This category has 47,313 topics, 486,705 replies, and was last updated 45 minutes ago by .
- Forum
- Topics
Gear (General)
GEAR talk. Everything GEAR. All about GEAR. Ultralight backpacking gear. Lightweight backpacking gear. Hiking gear. Anything GEAR. Gear that sucks, gear that works, gear that's cheap, gear that's cool, gear that's overrated by lying manufacturers, gear that's only available from a side street Spanish market, gear that breaks, gear that's multi-use, gear that can be Googled, GEAR GEAR GEAR GEAR GEAR. Now go. Talk 'some gear.
- 36,642
Gear Lists
Post your gear list here, get some feedback, debate the choices. Trying to cut down from 35 pounds? 6 pounds? It doesn't matter where you're at with your ultralight journey... we're here to help!
- 2,230
Make Your Own Gear
Do-it-yourself tips and tricks, material sources, patterns, techniques, and discussions of how to HACK UP off the market products to make them lighter (and sometimes, better).
- 8,064
Multiple Use Gear
"Multiple Use" as applied to a piece of gear is a foundation principle of lightweight backpacking. This forum deals with the topic in greater depth.
- 377
Gear (General)