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Arriving on Saturday, I learned that the Castlegar information center was closed on weekends. With no way to find the trail I decided to head towards the local campground. Along the way I happened upon the public library, which was open. Inside I spoke with a very helpful lady, and with her directions was convinced to skip the campground and go straight to the trail head. Even with directions, it was very difficult to find the 5 mile (8 km) route to the staging area. With no signage I spent the day following hunches, and trying to reason out where I was from the Google map I had downloaded at the library. It was early evening when I first set foot upon what appeared to be the trail proper. Weary, I made camp early, and called home for a final update. I ended day one on the shores of Lower Arrow Lake, having dinner under the watchful gaze of a Bald Eagle.


  • Day one:
  • Day two:
  • Day three:
  • Day four:
  • Day five:
  • Notes:

# WORDS: 2730

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