Learn the foundational knowledge of avalanche terrain and risks to become a more-informed winter hiker in the backcountry.
Backpackers, hikers, snowshoers, and cross-country skiers can face avalanche hazards both above and below the treeline. In this webinar-length (1 hour) course, we’ll provide the foundations for recognizing those hazards and a framework for assessing risks.
hazard assessment vs. risk management
hazard assessment: terrain, weather, and snowpack
risk management: route finding, human factors
interpreting avalanche forecasts
Sponsorship Information: Backpacking Light provides trusted education to highly-engaged user communities of backcountry enthusiasts, industry professionals, land management agency staff, trail advocacy groups, and more. If you are interested in sponsoring this online education and gaining access to these communities to increase your brand awareness or reach please complete our partnership intake form.
Interactive, Live-Streamed, Online
This masterclass is a live-streamed online video broadcast that includes live keynote presentations, pre-recorded videos, and live audience Q&A with course instructors.
Key Questions
Some of the questions addressed in the course:
Why have US avalanche fatalities increased in the past 70 years?
How does the risk of and type of death change following burial in an avalanche?
How are hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and risk related?
How much control do you have over your exposure to avalanche risk?
How is avalanche risk related to aspect, elevation, and slope angle?
How can we relate what we see in the field to our topo maps/mapping app to evaluate avalanche risk?
What unique considerations do snowshoe hikers have to consider?
What habits can I implement to minimize my risk if I don’t have avalanche skills or gear?
How do I interpret an avalanche forecast?
What are the differences between persistent slabs, wind slabs, and storm slabs?
How can I use and interpret snowpit analysis graphs?
What human factors do I need to be aware of, individually and as a group?
Recommended books and resources?
Where to learn avalanche safety if use snowshoes, which aren’t allowed on some courses?
How do you know where to camp to avoid an avalanche plowing through your tent? (i.e., runout zones and runout angles)
Can I still use a 20-year-old avalanche beacon?
Event Program
Module 1
Avalanche Safety & Awareness Masterclass – Live Stream
Meet Your Presenter(s)
Backpacking Light
RYAN JORDAN is the publisher and founder of Backpacking Light. Ryan teaches ultralight mountain hiking seminars and guides clients on treks and expeditions worldwide. He has trained Scout leaders, search and rescue personnel, land management agency staff, the media, outdoor educators and program leaders, wilderness guides, and adventure travelers. Seminars and field outings focus on self-sufficiency and solo travel, skills for managing ultralight gear in inclement conditions, increasing navigation and travel efficiency in complex terrain environments, and long-distance ultralight hiking without resupply.
DOMINIC RICKICKI is the head guide at KMAC Guides of Estes Park, Colorado, teaching rock climbing and backcountry skiing skills. Dom also works in the cascades guiding trips on Rainier, Baker and other peaks in the North Cascades. Dom is an AMGA certified Rock Guide and Apprentice Alpine and Ski Guide. Transplanted from rural western NY, Dom fostered a love for snowboarding in terrible conditions at the age of 11. That passion for recreating outdoors and experiencing the mountains in all their forms eventually led him to the Adirondack mountains where he attended Paul Smith's College and began venturing into the backcountry, rock climbing, and ice climbing. As a student Dom had the good fortune of learning from guides through classes and personal friendship. Grateful for how much those guides helped him early in his career, and their role in his life, he decided to pursue a career in guiding himself to be that person for others.
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Learn the foundational knowledge of avalanche terrain and risks to become a more-informed winter hiker in the backcountry.
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