Eric Gjonnes
Sunshine in the Deep South
First update from Balls and Sunshine on their journey along the Appalachian Trail!
Sunshine Prepares for the Appalachian Trail
The Starbursts are packed. What else could they need?!
O Canada!
The conclusion to Balls and Sunshine's 2011 PCT hike. Is the best yet to come?
Sunshine in the Sierra
Everything about the Sierra portion of the PCT was harder this year. Balls and Sunshine faced record-setting snow, low food, dangerous water crossings, injuries, and a markedly slower pace.
We’re Going to Disneyland!
Investing in both daughters, preparing for the hike, and executing the first 700 miles has kept Eric busy. Sunshine's no slouch either!
Eleven Years Old on the PCT
Recently unemployed, with a daughter itching to complete a thru-hike, what's a dad to do? Get sponsors and yank her from school, of course!