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Hyperlite Mountain Gear expanded a niche in the ultralight shelter category - they created an ultralight modular shelter system in which the components can be used separately or together. The components are: a catenary tarp, a mesh insert, and a front beak. The complete shelter adds up to a well-ventilated double-wall tent with full weather protection, or you can use the mesh insert or tarp separately when conditions allow. And HMG went to the extreme on the materials - Cuben Fiber - so these shelters are extremely light. The Echo I (one person) weighs just 23.6 ounces (669 g), and the Echo II (two people) weighs 29.9 ounces (848 g), with guylines but without stakes. An ultralight modular shelter system is a wonderful idea, as long as the components fit and function well together and separately; so how well do these shelters perform in the real world?


  • Introduction
  • Specifications
  • Design and Features
  • Performance
  • Comparisons
  • Assessment
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Recommendations for Improvement

# WORDS: 2650

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