Pic – https://imgur.com/a/GOODRps

Bought this tarp, sealed it, and haven’t used it yet. Came into a few hundred bucks after I ordered it, and I’d like to splurge on a dyneema Cirriform.

It’s the “min” version from Yama’s latest release, toggles instead of magnets for the doors. It has the additional tie outs for inners when pitched low. I shuffled the lines around a little, and put 2 new ones on, to add ~6” to each side perimeter location, allowing for a taller & wider pitch.

The brown color is super cool, looks really nice in the sun. It’s a very different color from the desert sand they use on inners, if that matters to you (it did to me).

$185 shipped (within the US), add 3.5% for goods and services.

I have a set of Yama standalone poles for it, if you’d like those toss in an extra $10.