Does anyone know what type of material seatbelt webbing is made from? It’s softer than the webbing typically used for in backpacks. My GG Kumo has a hipbelt made from this material and I like it a lot as a removable hipbelt that is more robust than a 3/4″ or 1″ belt but not a full padded hipbelt
I think it might be polyester webbing but I see some references to nylon seatbelt webbing online as well. Any thoughts?
Yes, the old stuff on the first generation Murmur’s and Kumo’s was nylon. There were many reported slipping problems with the buckles they also used. Yes, it was softer and a bit thinner (due to the finer fibers) and stronger. But, it lacked the necessary coefficient of friction to bind solidly in the buckle. It did not take a “set” very well. Was susceptible to about 8-9% expansion/contraction moving from wet to dry weather, and, was overly strong for the application by about 500%. The pack disintegrated before the strap would break. Not really recommended.
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