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  • Part 1
  • Part 2

    • The article has been broken into 2 parts:
    • Introduction
    • The Problem
    • The Theory of Drying
      • Aside: Another factor in drying is air movement. When a piece of clothing dries, the air directly surrounding the fabric starts to become saturated with moisture (especially when it already has a high humidity). In the absence of air movement, at some point that air will not be able to absorb any additional moisture, and hence drying will slow significantly. If the air moves - via wind, walking, etc. - drying is able to continue at a steady pace because the air surrounding the fabric doesn't have a chance to become saturated.
      • Aside: I have never understood the purpose of a loose fitting base layer. The real reason is probably one of fashion. Many people will feel that a snug fitting garment is not flattering, and thus will opt to wear something baggier. We wear base layers for moisture and thermal management. If the garment is not form fitting, then we really do not maximize the benefits of moisture management or thermal regulation. Many professional cyclists will even wear a base layer in very warm conditions simply for wicking. The closer fitting the base layer, the better it will perform.
    • Tights
    • What We Like About Them
    • When Tights Don't Work
    • Why Don't More Backpackers Wear Tights?

    # WORDS: 1980
    # PHOTOS: 3

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