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For those who like to hike and camp in the snow, a lightweight footwear system that keeps feet dry and warm is essential, as explained in our three-part article: Lightweight Footwear Systems for Snow Travel. A pair of lightweight/warm down booties is an essential component of a winter camping kit to keep feet warm in camp and in a sleeping bag. Down booties abound, but most of them are just not warm enough, or don’t keep snow out well enough, by themselves for snow camping. I have tried several and find that I need to wear extra layers inside of them and overboots over them to keep my feet warm, which adds up the weight. The newly introduced (fall 2009) Western Mountaineering Expedition Down Bootie makes other down booties look like cabin slippers. These lightweight booties (8 ounces for size Medium) seem to be capable of shedding snow and keeping feet warm by themselves, without all the added layers, so are they the ultimate booties for snow camping?


  • Introduction
  • Description
  • Performance
  • Assessment
  • Specifications & Features

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