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The subject of this review will be to discuss the merits, usability, performance, and suitability of the Sony NEX-7 for wilderness travel. Based on a comprehensive review of the state of the digital camera market today, we hypothesize that the Sony NEX-7 is capable of capturing higher image quality for less weight than (1) any other camera body equipped with a digital sensor smaller than full-frame; (2) any other camera body lighter in weight than the full-frame sensor equipped Leica M9; and (3) any compact mirrorless interchangeable lens camera body. Thus, one important goal of this review is to evaluate this lofty thesis, which could have significant implications for the backpacking photographer.

This is a rolling review that will be released in several parts during the review period:

  • PART 1: Introduction
  • PART 2: Sony NEX-7 in use with manual focus lenses - OLED viewfinder - Focus peaking - Exposure control
  • PART 3: Some lightweight and compact lens options for the Sony NEX-7
  • PART 4: Shooting HD video with the NEX-7
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