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At just 14.9 ounces for a size long, the Nunatak Arc Ghost is among the lightest 32 °F (0 °C) rated bags on the market. It achieves this light weight through its simple design: it features a closed foot box but an open, zipperless back. The back can be closed with two adjustable straps and a snap-closed neck with cinch cord, or it can be left open and used as a blanket. Not just lightweight, this "Variable Girth" design increases versatility, allowing the bag to be used within a wide temperature range by adjusting its circumference. A warm hat, hood, or balaclava is needed in colder temperatures as no hood is provided with the bag.


  • Overview
  • In Brief
  • Specifications: Manufacturer, Model, Type, Sizes, Girth, Weight, Fill Type, Fill Weight, Loft, Manufacturer's Rating, Fabric, Options, Model Year, MSRP
  • Features
  • Performance
  • Durability
  • Value
  • Recommendations for Improvement
  • # WORDS: 1600
    # TABLES: 1
    # PHOTOS: 4

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