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New for 2006, the frameless GoLite Rodeo at 1500 cubic inches (23 liters) is labeled as a winter sports pack. It has a snowboard sleeve and MP3 player holder, which makes it rock for snowboarders, but itโ€™s versatile enough for a lot of other uses. How does the Rodeo rate as a general snow sports pack, or year-around pack?


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Manufactuer, Year/Model, Style, Volume, Weight, Fabrics, Features, Volume to Weight Ratio, Load Carrying Capacity, Carry Load to Pack Weight Ratio, MSRP
  • Performance
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations for Improvement

# WORDS: 2000

# PHOTOS: 17


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