This product feature was published in conjunction with the Virtual Pack Project from Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2008. Click here for more information about the ORWM 2008 Virtual Pack Project.

Virtual Pack Day One Meals (Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2008) - 1
Backpacker’s Gourmet Dark Chocolate is fudge wrapped in food grade wax with a high melting point. Waterproof and pliable in cold temps, they bill themselves as “weatherproof chocolate.” Also, the wax is pretty, and the fudge is DELICIOUS.


Honey Stinger Protein Bar – Dark Chocolate Cherry Almond Pro
Weight (oz): 3.2
MSRP: $2.49


Roast Marmot
Weight: about 12 lbs
Roasted using Grandpa’s Fire Fork

Backpacker’s Gourmet Dark Chocolate – Raspberry
Weight (oz): 6.4
MSRP: $9.99

Clif Shot Electrolyte: Hot Apple Cider
Weight (oz): 1.5
MSRP: $1.49


I chose the Honey Stinger Bar for Bob because it was tasty and different. The bar is 25% honey, so the flavor is great, and I wanted him to eat it early in his trip before it froze and broke all his teeth. Also, the 20 g of protein were the shot in the arm Bob needed to stay warm and moving.

The marmot was a clear choice: it arrived to taunt poor Bob and see if there was any more gear for the noshing. Bob was able to take his vengeance and roasted the wretched critter using Grandpa’s Fire Fork by Light My Fire.

The Backpacker’s Chocolate is not only gorgeous, it provided dense, fat-full calories to keep him warm through the night (he doesn’t have a sleeping bag yet!).

He also needed something to clear his palate, and the Clif Shot Cider was one of the only truly palatable drinks I found on the ORWM floor. Hot and comforting, it replenished Bob’s electrolytes without all the bells and whistles (and racing pulse) of an energy drink.

Virtual Pack Day One Meals (Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2008) - 2
Grandpa’s Fire Fork by Light My Fire. MSRP: $4.99