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Crescent Moon Gold Series 9 snowshoes are designed for lightweight, all-around performance. Their dramatically tapered shape stands out among a sea of bean-shaped and back-tapered shoes typifying the market. Crescent Moon also adds a toe cleat and cam locking heel strap to their bindings to improve traction and better secure the foot. The merits of these design innovations for walking in the flats are undeniable, but how well does this snowshoe perform in deeper snow and on steeper slopes?


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Manufacturer, Year, Model, Dimensions, Surface Area, Frame, Deck, Binding, Crampons, Weight, Load Rating, MSRP
  • Performance
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations For Improvement

# WORDS: 1500



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